Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a vector-borne disease caused by Leishmania parasites and transmitted by sand fly bites, targeted for elimination in India. VL primarily affects rural, low-income populations with limited health care access. In South Asia, few studies have explored patients’ perspectives, diagnoses, and treatment experiences; particularly lacking an understanding about the patients’ life experiences outside of clinical research settings.
A qualitative study was conducted in Bihar, India, using moderator-facilitated, protocol-defined discussion. Eighteen adult patients and 12 caregivers of children diagnosed with and treated for VL within the last 12 months were identified by self-report. Mean time from symptom onset to diagnosis was 13.8 days. Challenges of the early patient life experience included lack of urgency by health care professionals, delayed diagnosis, and no guarantee of treatment at the location of their VL diagnosis (63% had to switch to a different center for treatment, at times delaying treatment). Key barriers identified in previous studies that were re-confirmed in this study include out-of-pocket financial burden, absence from work/home duties, and long-distance travel to hospitals. Patients and caregivers (n = 29/30) expressed a preference for a potential oral treatment that could be taken close to home.
This study reveals new insights about the patient life experience and reconfirms previous research indicating that access to care for patients with VL in the Bihar area remains a challenge. Although most patients with VL seek care early, diagnosis often requires multiple visits to a health care facility. Despite access to therapy in public hospitals, some patients reported a preference for private care. Even if diagnosis takes place in a government-funded public setting, some patients reported needing to move from the location of diagnosis to another center to receive therapy, creating an additional burden for patients. As a potential alternative to current parenteral treatment, adult patients and caregivers of pediatric patients expressed interest in a potential oral therapy because it may reduce barriers to access care.
Cholera is a bacterial water-borne diarrheal disease transmitted via the fecal-oral route that causes high morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. It is preventable with vaccination, and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) improvements. However, the impact of vaccination in endemic settings remains unclear. Cholera is endemic in the city of Kalemie, on the shore of Lake Tanganyika, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where both seasonal mobility and the lake, a potential environmental reservoir, may promote transmission. Kalemie received a vaccination campaign and WASH improvements in 2013–2016. We assessed the impact of this intervention to inform future control strategies in endemic settings. We fit compartmental models considering seasonal mobility and environmentally-based transmission. We estimated the number of cases the intervention avoided, and the relative contributions of the elements promoting local cholera transmission. We estimated the intervention avoided 5,259 cases (95% credible interval: 1,576.6–11,337.8) over 118 weeks. Transmission did not rely on seasonal mobility and was primarily environmentally-driven. Removing environmental exposure or contamination could control local transmission. Repeated environmental exposure could maintain high population immunity and decrease the impact of vaccination in similar endemic areas. Addressing environmental exposure and contamination should be the primary target of interventions in such settings.
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is an important public health problem, which mainly affects the poor rural dwelling communities in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. However, little is known about the health and economic burdens of this disease in East Africa, including Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to assess the household level economic burden of VL among affected communities in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Between April and August 2020, a cross-sectional household survey was conducted on 96 patients who had been treated for VL within 12 months prior to the survey, in six districts of Tigray. Data on households’ health seeking behavior, direct and indirect costs and coping strategies were collected using a structured questionnaire and the responses were analyzed using SPSS software.
Most (82%) of the patients surveyed were males and the majority (74%) of them were between 16 and 30 years of age. The education level of participants was very low: over 33% had not received any form of education; 48% of patients were farmers dependent on subsistence agriculture and about 32% were daily laborers. Just under half of household families (46%) resided in “poor houses” with structures made from entirely local materials. Forty-one percent of patients from the surveyed households had traveled 48 to 72 kilometers to reach VL treatment hospitals. The median total household cost for one VL episode was estimated to be US$ 214. This is equated to 18% of the mean total annual household income or 72.5% of annual per capita income of the study population. More than 80% of the households surveyed incurred catastrophic costs of VL, where this is defined as exceeding 10% of annual household income. The median delay between the onset of symptoms and arrival at a care provider hospital was 37 days; once the patient arrived at hospital, the median delay during diagnosis was 3 days. Direct and indirect costs represented 44% and 56% of the total costs incurred, respectively. To cope with VL treatment costs, 43% of the households used more than one coping strategy: 48% took out loans, 43% sold livestock and 31% of households mobilized cash savings.
VL in Tigray is concentrated among young males with low educational background and mostly engaged in subsistence economic activities. Despite the free diagnostic and treatment provisions that were available at public hospitals at the time of the study, our work shows that the household economic burden of the disease had significant impact among VL-affected communities in Tigray. Initiating community awareness towards prevention, early treatment seeking and decentralization of VL treatment centers are strongly recommended. In addition, we recommend efforts to reduce household treatment costs through transport and food provisions for patients (and their accompanying carers where possible) or through cash reimbursement for patients who complete treatment at public hospitals, in order to reduce the barriers to seeking treatment for this life-threatening disease.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co-infection is a major challenge for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) control, particularly in Ethiopia where the incidence of both pathogens is high. VL-HIV often leads to high rates of antileishmanial treatment failure and recurrent VL disease relapses. Considering the high prevalence of HIV and Leishmania in the Ethiopian population, preventing the progression of asymptomatic Leishmania infection to disease would be a valuable asset to VL disease control and to the clinical management of people living with HIV (PLWH). However, such a strategy requires good understanding of risk factors for VL development. In immunocompetent individuals living in Brazil, India, or Iran, the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) gene region has been associated with VL development. We used NanoTYPE, an Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing-based HLA genotyping method, to detect associations between HLA genotype and VL development by comparing 78 PLWH with VL history and 46 PLWH that controlled a Leishmania infection, all living in a VL endemic region of North-West Ethiopia. We identified an association between HLA-A*03:01 and increased risk of VL development (OR = 3.89). These data provide candidate HLA alleles that can be further explored for inclusion in a potential Leishmania screen-and-treat strategy in VL endemic regions.
Febrile illnesses that persist despite initial treatment are common clinical challenges in (sub)tropical low-resource settings. Our aim is to review infectious etiologies of “prolonged fevers” (persistent febrile illnesses, PFI) and to quantify relative contributions of selected neglected target diseases with limited diagnostic options, often overlooked, causing inadequate antibiotic prescriptions, or requiring prolonged and potentially toxic treatments.
We performed a systematic review of articles addressing the infectious etiologies of PFI in adults and children in sub-/tropical low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) using the PRISMA guidelines. A list of target diseases, including neglected parasites and zoonotic bacteria (e.g., Leishmania and Brucella), were identified by infectious diseases and tropical medicine specialists and prioritized in the search. Malaria and tuberculosis (TB) were not included as target diseases due to well-established epidemiology and diagnostic options. Four co-investigators independently extracted data from the identified articles while assessing for risk of bias.
196 articles from 52 countries were included, 117 from Africa (33 countries), 71 from Asia (16 countries), and 8 from Central and -South America (3 countries). Target diseases were reported as the cause of PFI in almost half of the articles, most frequently rickettsioses (including scrub typhus), relapsing fever borreliosis (RF-borreliosis), brucellosis, enteric fever, leptospirosis, Q fever and leishmaniasis. Among those, RF-borreliosis was by far the most frequently reported disease in Africa, particularly in Eastern Africa. Rickettsioses (including scrub typhus) were often described in both Africa and Asia. Leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis and amoebiasis were the most frequent parasitic etiologies. Non-target diseases and non-tropical organisms (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, and non-typhoidal Salmonella spp) were documented in a fifth of articles.
Clinicians faced with PFI in sub-/tropical LMICs should consider a wide differential diagnosis including enteric fever and zoonotic bacterial diseases (e.g., rickettsiosis, RF-borreliosis and brucellosis), or parasite infections (e.g., leishmaniasis) depending on geography and syndromes. In the absence of adequate diagnostic capacity, a trial of antibiotics targeting relevant intra-cellular bacteria, such as doxycycline or azithromycin, may be considered.
In Southeast Asia, treatment is recommended for all patients with post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL). Adherence to the first-line regimen, twelve weeks of miltefosine (MF), is low and ocular toxicity has been observed with this exposure period. We assessed the safety and efficacy of two shorter-course treatments: liposomal amphotericin B (LAmB) alone and combined with MF.
An open-label, phase II, randomized, parallel-arm, non-comparative trial was conducted in patients with parasitologically confirmed PKDL, 6 to ≤60 years. Patients were assigned to 20 mg/kg LAmB (total dose, in five injections over 15 days) alone or combined with allometric MF (3 weeks). The primary endpoint was definitive cure at 12 months, defined as complete resolution of papular and nodular lesions and >80% re-pigmentation of macular lesions. Definitive cure at 24 months was a secondary efficacy endpoint. 118/126 patients completed the trial. Definitive cure at 12 months was observed in 29% (18/63) patients receiving LAmB and 30% (19/63) receiving LAmB/MF (mITT), increasing to 58% and 66%, respectively, at 24 months. Most lesions had resolved/improved at 12 and 24 months for patients receiving LAmB (90%, 83%) and LAmB/MF (85%, 88%) by qualitative assessment. One death, unrelated to study drugs, was reported; no study drug-related serious adverse events were observed. The most frequent adverse drug reactions were MF-related vomiting and nausea, and LAmB-related hypokalaemia and infusion reactions. Most adverse events were mild; no ocular adverse events occurred.
Both regimens are suitably safe and efficacious alternatives to long-course MF for PKDL in South Asia.
Hepatitis E (HEV) genotypes 1 and 2 are the common cause of jaundice and acute viral hepatitis that can cause large-scale outbreaks. HEV infection is associated with adverse fetal outcomes and case fatality risks up to 31% among pregnant women. An efficacious three-dose recombinant vaccine (Hecolin) has been licensed in China since 2011 but until 2022, had not been used for outbreak response despite a 2015 WHO recommendation. The first ever mass vaccination campaign against hepatitis E in response to an outbreak was implemented in 2022 in Bentiu internally displaced persons camp in South Sudan targeting 27,000 residents 16–40 years old, including pregnant women.
We conducted a vaccination coverage survey using simple random sampling from a sampling frame of all camp shelters following the third round of vaccination. For survey participants vaccinated in the third round in October, we asked about the onset of symptoms experienced within 72 hours of vaccination. During each of the three vaccination rounds, passive surveillance of adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) was put in place at vaccination sites and health facilities in Bentiu IDP camp.
We surveyed 1,599 individuals and found that self-reported coverage with one or more dose was 86% (95% CI 84–88%), 73% (95% CI 70–75%) with two or more doses and 58% (95% CI 55–61%) with three doses. Vaccination coverage did not differ significantly by sex or age group. We found no significant difference in coverage of at least one dose between pregnant and non-pregnant women, although coverage of at least two and three doses was 8 and 14 percentage points lower in pregnant women. The most common reasons for non-vaccination were temporary absence or unavailability, reported by 60% of unvaccinated people. Passive AEFI surveillance captured few mild AEFI, and through the survey we found that 91 (7.6%) of the 1,195 individuals reporting to have been vaccinated in October 2022 reported new symptoms starting within 72 hours after vaccination, most commonly fever, headache or fatigue.
We found a high coverage of at least one dose of the Hecolin vaccine following three rounds of vaccination, and no severe AEFI. The vaccine was well accepted and well tolerated in the Bentiu IDP camp community and should be considered for use in future outbreak response.
Snakebites is a serious public health issue but remains a neglected tropical disease. Data on antivenom effectiveness are urgently needed in Africa. We assessed effectiveness of Inoserp PAN-AFRICA (IPA), the recommended antivenom available in Cameroon.
We enrolled 447 patients presenting with snakebite in 14 health facilities across Cameroon. At presentation, cytotoxicity, coagulation troubles and neurotoxicity were graded. We administered two to four vials of antivenom to patients based on hemotoxic or neurotoxic signs. We renewed antivenom administration to patients with persistence of bleedings or neurotoxicity 2 hours after each injection. We defined early improvement as a reduction of the grade of envenomation symptoms 2 hours after first injection. Medium-term effectiveness was investigated looking at disappearance of symptoms during hospitalization. After hospital discharge, a home visit was planned to assess long-term outcomes.
Between October 2019 and May 2021, we enrolled 447 (93.7%), including 72% from the savannah regions. The median [IQR] age was 25 [14–40]. Envenomation was diagnosed in 369 (82.6%) participants. The antivenom was administered to 356 patients (96.5%) of whom 256 (71.9%) received one administration. Among these patients, cytotoxic symptoms were observed in 336 (94.4%) participants, coagulation disorders in 234 (65.7%) participants and neurotoxicity in 23 (6.5%) participants. Two hours after the first administration of antivenom, we observed a decrease in coagulation disorders or neurotoxicity in 75.2% and 39.1% of patients, respectively. Complete cessation of bleedings and neurotoxicity occurred in 96% and 93% of patients within 24 hours, respectively. Sequelae have been observed in 9 (3%) patients at the home visit 15 days after hospital admission and 11 (3%) died including one before antivenom injection.
We confirmed good effectiveness of the IPA and highlighted the rapid improvement in bleeding or neurotoxicity after the first administration. Sequential administrations of low doses of antivenom, rigorously assessed at short intervals for an eventual renewal, can preserve patient safety and save antivenom.
Noma is a rapidly spreading infection of the oral cavity which mainly affects young children. Without early treatment, it can have a high mortality rate. Simple gingivitis is a warning sign for noma, and acute necrotizing gingivitis is the first stage of noma. The epidemiology of noma is not well understood. We aimed to understand the prevalence of all stages of noma in hospitalised children.
We conducted a prospective observational study from 1st June to 24th October 2021, enrolling patients aged 0 to 12 years who were admitted to the Anka General Hospital, Zamfara, northwest Nigeria. Consenting parents/ guardians of participants were interviewed at admission. Participants had anthropometric and oral exams at admission and discharge.
Of the 2346 patients, 58 (2.5%) were diagnosed with simple gingivitis and six (n = 0.3%) with acute necrotizing gingivitis upon admission. Of those admitted to the Inpatient Therapeutic Feeding Centre (ITFC), 3.4% (n = 37, CI 2.5–4.7%) were diagnosed with simple gingivitis upon admission compared to 1.7% of those not admitted to the ITFC (n = 21, CI 1.1–2.6%) (p = 0.008). Risk factors identified for having simple gingivitis include being aged over two years (2 to 6 yrs old, odds ratio (OR) 3.4, CI 1.77–6.5; 7 to 12 yrs OR 5.0, CI 1.7–14.6; p = <0.001), being admitted to the ITFC (OR 2.1; CI 1.22–3.62) and having oral health issues in the three months prior to the assessment (OR 18.75; CI 10.65, 33.01). All (n = 4/4) those aged six months to five years acute necrotizing gingivitis had chronic malnutrition.
Our study showed a small proportion of children admitted to the Anka General Hospital had simple or acute necrotizing gingivitis. Hospital admission with malnutrition was a risk factor for both simple and acute necrotizing gingivitis The lack of access to and uptake of oral health care indicates a strong need for oral exams to be included in routine health services. This provision could improve the oral status of the population and decrease the chance of patients developing noma.