Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
EBioMedicine. 2024 March 1; Volume 101; 105004.; DOI:10.1016/j.ebiom.2024.105004
Hardy L, Vermoesen T, Genbrugge E, Natale A, Franquesa C, et al.
EBioMedicine. 2024 March 1; Volume 101; 105004.; DOI:10.1016/j.ebiom.2024.105004
Bloodstream infections (BSI) pose a significant threat due to high mortality rates and the challenges posed by antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In 2019, an estimated 4.95 million deaths were linked to bacterial AMR. The highest impact was seen in resource-limited settings (RLS). For diagnosis of BSI, performant continuously-monitoring blood culture systems (CMBCS) have been optimized. However, in RLS, the implementation of CMBCS is hindered by budget constraints and unsuitable environmental conditions. Manufacturers from growing economies are currently producing affordable in vitro diagnostics, which could fill the gap in capacity, but so far these are not established outside their domestic markets.
This study evaluated the performance, usability, and interchangeability of Chinese CMBCS in a laboratory setting using simulated blood cultures with a panel of 20 BSI-associated strains. Four systems were selected for the assessment: Autobio BC60, Mindray TDR60, Scenker Labstar50, and DL-biotech DL-60.
Overall, all evaluated CMBCS demonstrated good performance with high yield (96.7-100%) and specificity (97.5-100%), comparable to the reference system (bioMérieux 3D). In addition, when used as "manual" blood cultures in a conventional incubator with visual growth detection, performance was also satisfactory: yield was between 90 and 100% and specificity was 100% for all BCBs. Both the CMBCS and the BCBs were easy to use and lot-to-lot variability in BCBs was minimal. The interchangeability testing indicated that the BCBs from different brands (all except Scenker) were compatible with the various automates, further highlighting the potential for a harmonized "universal BCB."
Based on this in vitro study, we recommend the use of these systems in settings with challenging environments and limited resources. The Autobio system performed best for automatic detection and DL-Biotech BCBs for manual cultures respectively (combination of performance, price, usability). The appropriateness for use in RLS should still be confirmed in a field study.
Bloodstream infections (BSI) pose a significant threat due to high mortality rates and the challenges posed by antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In 2019, an estimated 4.95 million deaths were linked to bacterial AMR. The highest impact was seen in resource-limited settings (RLS). For diagnosis of BSI, performant continuously-monitoring blood culture systems (CMBCS) have been optimized. However, in RLS, the implementation of CMBCS is hindered by budget constraints and unsuitable environmental conditions. Manufacturers from growing economies are currently producing affordable in vitro diagnostics, which could fill the gap in capacity, but so far these are not established outside their domestic markets.
This study evaluated the performance, usability, and interchangeability of Chinese CMBCS in a laboratory setting using simulated blood cultures with a panel of 20 BSI-associated strains. Four systems were selected for the assessment: Autobio BC60, Mindray TDR60, Scenker Labstar50, and DL-biotech DL-60.
Overall, all evaluated CMBCS demonstrated good performance with high yield (96.7-100%) and specificity (97.5-100%), comparable to the reference system (bioMérieux 3D). In addition, when used as "manual" blood cultures in a conventional incubator with visual growth detection, performance was also satisfactory: yield was between 90 and 100% and specificity was 100% for all BCBs. Both the CMBCS and the BCBs were easy to use and lot-to-lot variability in BCBs was minimal. The interchangeability testing indicated that the BCBs from different brands (all except Scenker) were compatible with the various automates, further highlighting the potential for a harmonized "universal BCB."
Based on this in vitro study, we recommend the use of these systems in settings with challenging environments and limited resources. The Autobio system performed best for automatic detection and DL-Biotech BCBs for manual cultures respectively (combination of performance, price, usability). The appropriateness for use in RLS should still be confirmed in a field study.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 January 31; Volume 13 (Issue 3); 523.; DOI:10.3390/diagnostics13030523
Natale A, Oueslati S, Rochard A, Lopez-Baez D, Ombelet S, et al.
Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 January 31; Volume 13 (Issue 3); 523.; DOI:10.3390/diagnostics13030523
Culture media is fundamental in clinical bacteriology for the detection and isolation of bacterial pathogens. However, in-house media preparation could be challenging in low-resource settings. InTray® cassettes (Biomed Diagnostics) could be a valid alternative as they are compact, ready-to-use media preparations. In this study, we evaluate the use of two InTray media as a subculture alternative for the diagnosis of bloodstream infections: the InTray® Müller-Hinton (MH) chocolate and the InTray® Colorex™ Screen. The InTray MH chocolate was evaluated in 2 steps: firstly, using simulated positive blood cultures (reference evaluation study), and secondly, using positive blood cultures from a routine clinical laboratory (clinical evaluation study). The Colorex Screen was tested using simulated poly-microbial blood cultures. The sensitivity and specificity of the InTray MH chocolate were respectively 99.2% and 90% in the reference evaluation study and 97.1% and 88.2% in the clinical evaluation study. The time to detection (TTD) was ≤20 h in most positive blood cultures (99.8% and 97% in the two studies, respectively). The InTray® MH Chocolate agar showed good performance when used directly from clinical blood cultures for single bacterial infections. However, mixed flora is more challenging to interpret on this media than on Colorex™ Screen, even for an experienced microbiologist.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 August 30; Volume 12 (Issue 9); 2106.; DOI:10.3390/diagnostics12092106
Ronat JB, Oueslati S, Natale A, Kesteman T, Elamin W, et al.
Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 August 30; Volume 12 (Issue 9); 2106.; DOI:10.3390/diagnostics12092106
Easy and robust antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) methods are essential in clinical bacteriology laboratories (CBL) in low-resource settings (LRS). We evaluated the Beckman Coulter MicroScan lyophilized broth microdilution panel designed to support Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) CBL activity in difficult settings, in particular with the Mini-Lab. We evaluated the custom-designed MSF MicroScan Gram-pos microplate (MICPOS1) for Staphylococcus and Enterococcus species, MSF MicroScan Gram-neg microplate (MICNEG1) for Gram-negative bacilli, and MSF MicroScan Fastidious microplate (MICFAST1) for Streptococci and Haemophilus species using 387 isolates from routine CBLs from LRS against the reference methods. Results showed that, for all selected antibiotics on the three panels, the proportion of the category agreement was above 90% and the proportion of major and very major errors was below 3%, as per ISO standards. The use of the Prompt inoculation system was found to increase the MIC and the major error rate for some antibiotics when testing Staphylococci. The readability of the manufacturer’s user manual was considered challenging for low-skilled staff. The inoculations and readings of the panels were estimated as easy to use. In conclusion, the three MSF MicroScan MIC panels performed well against clinical isolates from LRS and provided a convenient, robust, and standardized AST method for use in CBL in LRS.
Protocol > Research Protocol
PLOS One. 2022 April 25; Volume 17 (Issue 4); e0267491.; DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0267491
Ombelet S, Natale A, Ronat JB, Vandenberg O, Jacobs J, et al.
PLOS One. 2022 April 25; Volume 17 (Issue 4); e0267491.; DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0267491
Use of equipment-free, “manual” blood cultures is still widespread in low-resource settings, as requirements for implementation of automated systems are often not met. Quality of manual blood culture bottles currently on the market, however, is usually unknown. An acceptable quality in terms of yield and speed of growth can be ensured by evaluating the bottles using simulated blood cultures. In these experiments, bottles from different systems are inoculated in parallel with blood and a known quantity of bacteria. Based on literature review and personal experiences, we propose a short and practical protocol for an efficient evaluation of manual blood culture bottles, aimed at research or reference laboratories in low-resource settings. Recommendations include: (1) practical equivalence of horse blood and human blood; (2) a diverse selection of 10 to 20 micro-organisms to be tested (both slow- and fast-growing reference organisms); (3) evaluation of both adult and pediatric bottle formulations and blood volumes; (4) a minimum sample size of 120 bottles per bottle type; (5) a formal assessment of usability. Different testing scenarios for increasing levels of reliability are provided, along with practical tools such as worksheets and surveys that can be used by laboratories wishing to evaluate manual blood culture bottles.
Journal Article > ReviewFull Text
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2021 October 1; Volume 27 (Issue 10); 1414-1421.; DOI:10.1016/j.cmi.2021.04.015
Ronat JB, Natale A, Kesteman T, Andremont A, Elamin W, et al.
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2021 October 1; Volume 27 (Issue 10); 1414-1421.; DOI:10.1016/j.cmi.2021.04.015
In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), data related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are often inconsistently collected. Humanitarian, private and non-governmental medical organizations (NGOs), working with or in parallel to public medical systems, are sometimes present in these contexts. Yet, what is the role of NGOs in the fight against AMR, and how can they contribute to AMR data collection in contexts where reporting is scarce? How can context-adapted, high-quality clinical bacteriology be implemented in remote, challenging and underserved areas of the world?
The aim was to provide an overview of AMR data collection challenges in LMICs and describe one initiative, the Mini-Lab project developed by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), that attempts to partially address them.
We conducted a literature review using PubMed and Google scholar databases to identify peer-reviewed research and grey literature from publicly available reports and websites.
We address the necessity of and difficulties related to obtaining AMR data in LMICs, as well as the role that actors outside of public medical systems can play in the collection of this information. We then describe how the Mini-Lab can provide simplified bacteriological diagnosis and AMR surveillance in challenging settings.
NGOs are responsible for a large amount of healthcare provision in some very low-resourced contexts. As a result, they also have a role in AMR control, including bacteriological diagnosis and the collection of AMR-related data. Actors outside the public medical system can actively contribute to implementing and adapting clinical bacteriology in LMICs and can help improve AMR surveillance and data collection.
In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), data related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are often inconsistently collected. Humanitarian, private and non-governmental medical organizations (NGOs), working with or in parallel to public medical systems, are sometimes present in these contexts. Yet, what is the role of NGOs in the fight against AMR, and how can they contribute to AMR data collection in contexts where reporting is scarce? How can context-adapted, high-quality clinical bacteriology be implemented in remote, challenging and underserved areas of the world?
The aim was to provide an overview of AMR data collection challenges in LMICs and describe one initiative, the Mini-Lab project developed by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), that attempts to partially address them.
We conducted a literature review using PubMed and Google scholar databases to identify peer-reviewed research and grey literature from publicly available reports and websites.
We address the necessity of and difficulties related to obtaining AMR data in LMICs, as well as the role that actors outside of public medical systems can play in the collection of this information. We then describe how the Mini-Lab can provide simplified bacteriological diagnosis and AMR surveillance in challenging settings.
NGOs are responsible for a large amount of healthcare provision in some very low-resourced contexts. As a result, they also have a role in AMR control, including bacteriological diagnosis and the collection of AMR-related data. Actors outside the public medical system can actively contribute to implementing and adapting clinical bacteriology in LMICs and can help improve AMR surveillance and data collection.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
Biphasic versus monophasic manual blood culture bottles for low-resource settings: an in-vitro study
Lancet Microbe. 2021 December 13; Volume S2666-5247 (Issue 21); 00241-X.; DOI:10.1016/S2666-5247(21)00241-X
Ombelet S, Natale A, Ronat JB, Kesteman T, Vandenberg O, et al.
Lancet Microbe. 2021 December 13; Volume S2666-5247 (Issue 21); 00241-X.; DOI:10.1016/S2666-5247(21)00241-X
Manual blood culture bottles (BCBs) are frequently used in low-resource settings. There are few BCB performance evaluations, especially evaluations comparing them with automated systems. We evaluated two manual BCBs (Bi-State BCB and BacT/ALERT BCB) and compared their yield and time to growth detection with those of automated BacT/ALERT system.
BCBs were spiked in triplicate with 177 clinical isolates representing pathogens common in low-resource settings (19 bacterial and one yeast species) in adult and paediatric volumes, resulting in 1056 spiked BCBs per BCB system. Growth in manual BCBs was evaluated daily by visually inspecting the broth, agar slant, and, for BacT/ALERT BCB, colour change of the growth indicator. The primary outcomes were BCB yield (proportion of spiked BCB showing growth) and time to detection (proportion of positive BCB with growth detected on day 1 of incubation). 95% CI for yield and growth on day 1 were calculated using bootstrap method for clustered data using. Secondary outcomes were time to colony for all BCBs (defined as number of days between incubation and colony growth sufficient to use for further testing) and difference between time to detection in broth and on agar slant for the Bi-State BCBs.
Overall yield was 95·9% (95% CI 93·9–98·0) for Bi-State BCB and 95·5% (93·3–97·8) for manual BacT/ALERT, versus 96·1% (94·0–98·1) for the automated BacT/ALERT system (p=0·61). Day 1 growth was present in 920 (90·8%) of 1013 positive Bi-State BCB and 757 (75·0%) of 1009 positive manual BacT/ALERT BCB, versus 1008 (99·3%) of 1015 automated bottles. On day 2, detection rates were 100% for BI-State BCB, 97·7% for manual BacT/ALERT BCB, and 100% for automated bottles. For Bi-State BCB, growth mostly occurred simultaneously in broth and slant (81·7%). Sufficient colony growth on the slant to perform further tests was present in only 44·1% of biphasic bottles on day 2 and 59·0% on day 3.
The yield of manual BCB was comparable with the automated system, suggesting that manual blood culture systems are an acceptable alternative to automated systems in low-resource settings. Bi-State BCB outperformed manual BacT/ALERT bottles, but the agar slant did not allow earlier detection nor earlier colony growth. Time to detection for manual blood culture systems still lags that of automated systems, and research into innovative and affordable methods of growth detection in manual BCBs is encouraged.
Manual blood culture bottles (BCBs) are frequently used in low-resource settings. There are few BCB performance evaluations, especially evaluations comparing them with automated systems. We evaluated two manual BCBs (Bi-State BCB and BacT/ALERT BCB) and compared their yield and time to growth detection with those of automated BacT/ALERT system.
BCBs were spiked in triplicate with 177 clinical isolates representing pathogens common in low-resource settings (19 bacterial and one yeast species) in adult and paediatric volumes, resulting in 1056 spiked BCBs per BCB system. Growth in manual BCBs was evaluated daily by visually inspecting the broth, agar slant, and, for BacT/ALERT BCB, colour change of the growth indicator. The primary outcomes were BCB yield (proportion of spiked BCB showing growth) and time to detection (proportion of positive BCB with growth detected on day 1 of incubation). 95% CI for yield and growth on day 1 were calculated using bootstrap method for clustered data using. Secondary outcomes were time to colony for all BCBs (defined as number of days between incubation and colony growth sufficient to use for further testing) and difference between time to detection in broth and on agar slant for the Bi-State BCBs.
Overall yield was 95·9% (95% CI 93·9–98·0) for Bi-State BCB and 95·5% (93·3–97·8) for manual BacT/ALERT, versus 96·1% (94·0–98·1) for the automated BacT/ALERT system (p=0·61). Day 1 growth was present in 920 (90·8%) of 1013 positive Bi-State BCB and 757 (75·0%) of 1009 positive manual BacT/ALERT BCB, versus 1008 (99·3%) of 1015 automated bottles. On day 2, detection rates were 100% for BI-State BCB, 97·7% for manual BacT/ALERT BCB, and 100% for automated bottles. For Bi-State BCB, growth mostly occurred simultaneously in broth and slant (81·7%). Sufficient colony growth on the slant to perform further tests was present in only 44·1% of biphasic bottles on day 2 and 59·0% on day 3.
The yield of manual BCB was comparable with the automated system, suggesting that manual blood culture systems are an acceptable alternative to automated systems in low-resource settings. Bi-State BCB outperformed manual BacT/ALERT bottles, but the agar slant did not allow earlier detection nor earlier colony growth. Time to detection for manual blood culture systems still lags that of automated systems, and research into innovative and affordable methods of growth detection in manual BCBs is encouraged.
Conference Material > Abstract
Ronat JB, Natale A, Rochard A, Boillot B, Hubert J, et al.
MSF Scientific Days UK 2019: Innovation. 2019 May 8
Within MSF projects, many patients we treat have invasive bacterial infections, often in settings with increasing levels of antimicrobial resistance. However these projects frequently lack laboratory capacity to diagnose such pathogens, which complicates appropriate patient care. Since next-generation diagnostics adapted to low-resource settings (LRS) are unlikely to become available within the next five to ten years, MSF is currently working to rapidly develop a stand- alone, transportable laboratory, the “Mini-Lab”, which uses existing diagnostics and antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) of bloodstream infections, and adapts these to LRS. We describe the testing process for a prototype of the Mini-Lab, early results and lessons learned.
Development of the Mini-Lab involved a user-centered, iterative process with a mixed group of experts (ergonomists, designers, pedagogy specialists, and microbiologists) to develop technical requirements, calls for tenders, product selection, component development, and materials testing. In Jan 2019, we assembled all components (including tests, equipment, benches) into a full working prototype, installed at Laboratoire Hospitalo-Universitaire, Brussels. Individual test components are undergoing validation in European reference laboratories for diagnostic accuracy. We are assessing ergonomics, appropriateness and user-friendliness of the setup, diagnostic testing, and user guidance tools. Methods used include simulation of routine laboratory work, with non-microbiology students carrying out sample processing and test procedures, with simulated samples of known bacteria, and with evaluator observation and user questionnaires to collect feedback. 135 evaluator observations and 14 questionnaires were done.
This innovation project did not involve human participants or their data; the MSF Ethics Framework for Innovation was used to help identify and mitigate potential harms.
The assembled prototype consists of six foldable, sturdy transport boxes (~120kg each), transformable into standalone laboratory benches (80x120cm, adjustable working height, embedded power connections and light sources). It also includes all necessary laboratory materials, including 29 reagents and tests, with an average shelf-life of 18 months, and only eight requiring a cold chain. Pictograms posted on the modules guide users through the diagnostic workflow. An assessment of the prototype's user friendliness, carried out from 28 Jan 2019 to 14 Feb 2019) has already provided valuable information on optimizing Mini-Lab assembly and workflow management. This included feedback on the placement of materials, adaptation of light sources for users’ visual comfort, addition of new consumables, and workflow refinement.
The development of the Mini-Lab has now reached the testing phase of a prototype including all components. Test users have responded positively with regard to ergonomics of the bench and modules, tests, and pictogram-based guidance, while module weight has emerged as a constraint. By identifying needed improvements early, these results will provide critical information for our iterative design process. All feasible, useful improvements will be made before the first Mini-Lab field evaluation, which is planned at an MSF-supported burn centre in Haiti, beginning in May 2019.
None declared.
Within MSF projects, many patients we treat have invasive bacterial infections, often in settings with increasing levels of antimicrobial resistance. However these projects frequently lack laboratory capacity to diagnose such pathogens, which complicates appropriate patient care. Since next-generation diagnostics adapted to low-resource settings (LRS) are unlikely to become available within the next five to ten years, MSF is currently working to rapidly develop a stand- alone, transportable laboratory, the “Mini-Lab”, which uses existing diagnostics and antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) of bloodstream infections, and adapts these to LRS. We describe the testing process for a prototype of the Mini-Lab, early results and lessons learned.
Development of the Mini-Lab involved a user-centered, iterative process with a mixed group of experts (ergonomists, designers, pedagogy specialists, and microbiologists) to develop technical requirements, calls for tenders, product selection, component development, and materials testing. In Jan 2019, we assembled all components (including tests, equipment, benches) into a full working prototype, installed at Laboratoire Hospitalo-Universitaire, Brussels. Individual test components are undergoing validation in European reference laboratories for diagnostic accuracy. We are assessing ergonomics, appropriateness and user-friendliness of the setup, diagnostic testing, and user guidance tools. Methods used include simulation of routine laboratory work, with non-microbiology students carrying out sample processing and test procedures, with simulated samples of known bacteria, and with evaluator observation and user questionnaires to collect feedback. 135 evaluator observations and 14 questionnaires were done.
This innovation project did not involve human participants or their data; the MSF Ethics Framework for Innovation was used to help identify and mitigate potential harms.
The assembled prototype consists of six foldable, sturdy transport boxes (~120kg each), transformable into standalone laboratory benches (80x120cm, adjustable working height, embedded power connections and light sources). It also includes all necessary laboratory materials, including 29 reagents and tests, with an average shelf-life of 18 months, and only eight requiring a cold chain. Pictograms posted on the modules guide users through the diagnostic workflow. An assessment of the prototype's user friendliness, carried out from 28 Jan 2019 to 14 Feb 2019) has already provided valuable information on optimizing Mini-Lab assembly and workflow management. This included feedback on the placement of materials, adaptation of light sources for users’ visual comfort, addition of new consumables, and workflow refinement.
The development of the Mini-Lab has now reached the testing phase of a prototype including all components. Test users have responded positively with regard to ergonomics of the bench and modules, tests, and pictogram-based guidance, while module weight has emerged as a constraint. By identifying needed improvements early, these results will provide critical information for our iterative design process. All feasible, useful improvements will be made before the first Mini-Lab field evaluation, which is planned at an MSF-supported burn centre in Haiti, beginning in May 2019.
None declared.
Journal Article > CommentaryFull Text
Lancet Microbe. 2020 June 1; Volume 1 (Issue 2); e56-e58.; DOI:10.1016/S2666-5247(20)30012-4
Natale A, Ronat JB, Mazoyer A, Rochard A, Boillot B, et al.
Lancet Microbe. 2020 June 1; Volume 1 (Issue 2); e56-e58.; DOI:10.1016/S2666-5247(20)30012-4
Conference Material > Slide Presentation
Ronat JB, Natale A, Rochard A, Boillot B, Hubert J, et al.
MSF Scientific Days UK 2019: Innovation. 2019 May 8; DOI:10.7490/f1000research.1116735.1
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 February 19; Volume 11 (Issue 2); 349.; DOI:10.3390/diagnostics11020349
Ombelet S, Natale A, Ronat JB, Vandenberg O, Hardy L, et al.
Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 February 19; Volume 11 (Issue 2); 349.; DOI:10.3390/diagnostics11020349
Bacterial identification is challenging in low-resource settings (LRS). We evaluated the MicroScan identification panels (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA, USA) as part of Médecins Sans Frontières' Mini-lab Project. The MicroScan Dried Overnight Positive ID Type 3 (PID3) panels for Gram-positive organisms and Dried Overnight Negative ID Type 2 (NID2) panels for Gram-negative organisms were assessed with 367 clinical isolates from LRS. Robustness was studied by inoculating Gram-negative species on the Gram-positive panel and vice versa. The ease of use of the panels and readability of the instructions for use (IFU) were evaluated. Of species represented in the MicroScan database, 94.6% (185/195) of Gram-negative and 85.9% (110/128) of Gram-positive isolates were correctly identified up to species level. Of species not represented in the database (e.g., Streptococcus suis and Bacillus spp.), 53.1% out of 49 isolates were incorrectly identified as non-related bacterial species. Testing of Gram-positive isolates on Gram-negative panels and vice versa (n = 144) resulted in incorrect identifications for 38.2% of tested isolates. The readability level of the IFU was considered too high for LRS. Inoculation of the panels was favorably evaluated, whereas the visual reading of the panels was considered error-prone. In conclusion, the accuracy of the MicroScan identification panels was excellent for Gram-negative species and good for Gram-positive species. Improvements in stability, robustness, and ease of use have been identified to assure adaptation to LRS constraints.