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AIDS. 2010 September 10; Volume 24 (Issue 14); DOI:10.1097/QAD.0b013e32833d45c5
Cornell M, Grimsrud A, Fairall L, Fox MP, van Cutsem G, et al.
AIDS. 2010 September 10; Volume 24 (Issue 14); DOI:10.1097/QAD.0b013e32833d45c5
OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the temporal impact of the rapid scale-up of large antiretroviral therapy (ART) services on programme outcomes. We describe patient outcomes [mortality, loss-to-follow-up (LTFU) and retention] over time in a network of South African ART cohorts. DESIGN: Cohort analysis utilizing routinely collected patient data. METHODS: Analysis included adults initiating ART in eight public sector programmes across South Africa, 2002-2007. Follow-up was censored at the end of 2008. Kaplan-Meier methods were used to estimate time to outcomes, and proportional hazards models to examine independent predictors of outcomes. RESULTS: Enrolment (n = 44 177, mean age 35 years; 68% women) increased 12-fold over 5 years, with 63% of patients enrolled in the past 2 years. Twelve-month mortality decreased from 9% to 6% over 5 years. Twelve-month LTFU increased annually from 1% (2002/2003) to 13% (2006). Cumulative LTFU increased with follow-up from 14% at 12 months to 29% at 36 months. With each additional year on ART, failure to retain participants was increasingly attributable to LTFU compared with recorded mortality. At 12 and 36 months, respectively, 80 and 64% of patients were retained. CONCLUSION: Numbers on ART have increased rapidly in South Africa, but the programme has experienced deteriorating patient retention over time, particularly due to apparent LTFU. This may represent true loss to care, but may also reflect administrative error and lack of capacity to monitor movements in and out of care. New strategies are needed for South Africa and other low-income and middle-income countries to improve monitoring of outcomes and maximize retention in care with increasing programme size.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
J Int AIDS Soc. 2017 June 23; Volume 20 (Issue 1); DOI:10.7448/IAS.20.1.21327
Fenner L, Atkinson A, Boulle AM, Fox MP, Prozesky HW, et al.
J Int AIDS Soc. 2017 June 23; Volume 20 (Issue 1); DOI:10.7448/IAS.20.1.21327
Chronic immune activation due to ongoing HIV replication may lead to impaired immune responses against opportunistic infections such as tuberculosis (TB). We studied the role of HIV replication as a risk factor for incident TB after starting antiretroviral therapy (ART).
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
J Int AIDS Soc. 2022 January 25; Volume 25 (Issue 1); e25854.; DOI:10.1002/jia2.25854
Cassidy T, Cornell M, Runeyi P, Dutyulwa T, Kilani C, et al.
J Int AIDS Soc. 2022 January 25; Volume 25 (Issue 1); e25854.; DOI:10.1002/jia2.25854
Youth living with HIV (YLWH) are less likely to initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) and remain in care than older adults. It is important to identify effective strategies to address the needs of this growing population and prevent attrition from HIV care. Since 2008, two clinics have offered youth-targeted services exclusively to youth aged 12-25 in Khayelitsha, a high HIV-prevalence, low-income area in South Africa. We compared ART attrition among youth in these two clinics to youth in regular clinics in the same area.
We conducted a propensity score matched cohort study of individuals aged 12-25 years initiating ART at eight primary care clinics in Khayelitsha between 1 January 2008 and 1 April 2018. We compared attrition, defined as death or loss to follow-up, between those attending two youth clinics and those attending general primary healthcare clinics, using Cox proportional hazards regression. Follow-up time began at ART initiation and ended at attrition, clinic transfer or dataset closure. We conducted sub-analyses of patients attending adherence clubs.
The distribution of age, sex and CD4 count at ART initiation was similar across Youth Clinic A (N = 1383), Youth Clinic B (N = 1299) and general clinics (N = 3056). Youth at youth clinics were more likely than those at general clinics to have initiated ART before August 2011 (Youth Clinic A: 16%, Youth Clinic B: 23% and general clinics: 11%). Youth clinics were protective against attrition: HR 0.81 (95% CI: 0.71-0.92) for Youth Clinic A and 0.85 (0.74-0.98) for Youth Clinic B, compared to general clinics. Youth Clinic A club patients had lower attrition after joining an adherence club than general clinic patients in adherence clubs (crude HR: 0.56, 95% CI: 0.32-0.96; adjusted HR: 0.48, 95% CI: 0.28-0.85), while Youth Clinic B showed no effect (crude HR: 0.83, 95% CI: 0.48-1.45; adjusted HR: 1.07, 95% CI: 0.60-1.90).
YLWH were more likely to be retained in ART care in two different youth-targeted clinics compared to general clinics in the same area. Our findings suggest that multiple approaches to making clinics more youth-friendly can contribute to improving retention in this important group.
Youth living with HIV (YLWH) are less likely to initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) and remain in care than older adults. It is important to identify effective strategies to address the needs of this growing population and prevent attrition from HIV care. Since 2008, two clinics have offered youth-targeted services exclusively to youth aged 12-25 in Khayelitsha, a high HIV-prevalence, low-income area in South Africa. We compared ART attrition among youth in these two clinics to youth in regular clinics in the same area.
We conducted a propensity score matched cohort study of individuals aged 12-25 years initiating ART at eight primary care clinics in Khayelitsha between 1 January 2008 and 1 April 2018. We compared attrition, defined as death or loss to follow-up, between those attending two youth clinics and those attending general primary healthcare clinics, using Cox proportional hazards regression. Follow-up time began at ART initiation and ended at attrition, clinic transfer or dataset closure. We conducted sub-analyses of patients attending adherence clubs.
The distribution of age, sex and CD4 count at ART initiation was similar across Youth Clinic A (N = 1383), Youth Clinic B (N = 1299) and general clinics (N = 3056). Youth at youth clinics were more likely than those at general clinics to have initiated ART before August 2011 (Youth Clinic A: 16%, Youth Clinic B: 23% and general clinics: 11%). Youth clinics were protective against attrition: HR 0.81 (95% CI: 0.71-0.92) for Youth Clinic A and 0.85 (0.74-0.98) for Youth Clinic B, compared to general clinics. Youth Clinic A club patients had lower attrition after joining an adherence club than general clinic patients in adherence clubs (crude HR: 0.56, 95% CI: 0.32-0.96; adjusted HR: 0.48, 95% CI: 0.28-0.85), while Youth Clinic B showed no effect (crude HR: 0.83, 95% CI: 0.48-1.45; adjusted HR: 1.07, 95% CI: 0.60-1.90).
YLWH were more likely to be retained in ART care in two different youth-targeted clinics compared to general clinics in the same area. Our findings suggest that multiple approaches to making clinics more youth-friendly can contribute to improving retention in this important group.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
PLOS Med. 2014 September 9; Volume 11 (Issue 9); e1001718.; DOI:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001718
Boulle AM, Schomaker M, May MT, Hogg RS, Shepherd B, et al.
PLOS Med. 2014 September 9; Volume 11 (Issue 9); e1001718.; DOI:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001718
High early mortality in patients with HIV-1 starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa, compared to Europe and North America, is well documented. Longer-term comparisons between settings have been limited by poor ascertainment of mortality in high burden African settings. This study aimed to compare mortality up to four years on ART between South Africa, Europe, and North America.
Data from four South African cohorts in which patients lost to follow-up (LTF) could be linked to the national population register to determine vital status were combined with data from Europe and North America. Cumulative mortality, crude and adjusted (for characteristics at ART initiation) mortality rate ratios (relative to South Africa), and predicted mortality rates were described by region at 0–3, 3–6, 6–12, 12–24, and 24–48 months on ART for the period 2001–2010. Of the adults included (30,467 [South Africa], 29,727 [Europe], and 7,160 [North America]), 20,306 (67%), 9,961 (34%), and 824 (12%) were women. Patients began treatment with markedly more advanced disease in South Africa (median CD4 count 102, 213, and 172 cells/µl in South Africa, Europe, and North America, respectively). High early mortality after starting ART in South Africa occurred mainly in patients starting ART with CD4 count <50 cells/µl. Cumulative mortality at 4 years was 16.6%, 4.7%, and 15.3% in South Africa, Europe, and North America, respectively. Mortality was initially much lower in Europe and North America than South Africa, but the differences were reduced or reversed (North America) at longer durations on ART (adjusted rate ratios 0.46, 95% CI 0.37–0.58, and 1.62, 95% CI 1.27–2.05 between 24 and 48 months on ART comparing Europe and North America to South Africa). While bias due to under-ascertainment of mortality was minimised through death registry linkage, residual bias could still be present due to differing approaches to and frequency of linkage.
After accounting for under-ascertainment of mortality, with increasing duration on ART, the mortality rate on HIV treatment in South Africa declines to levels comparable to or below those described in participating North American cohorts, while substantially narrowing the differential with the European cohorts.
High early mortality in patients with HIV-1 starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa, compared to Europe and North America, is well documented. Longer-term comparisons between settings have been limited by poor ascertainment of mortality in high burden African settings. This study aimed to compare mortality up to four years on ART between South Africa, Europe, and North America.
Data from four South African cohorts in which patients lost to follow-up (LTF) could be linked to the national population register to determine vital status were combined with data from Europe and North America. Cumulative mortality, crude and adjusted (for characteristics at ART initiation) mortality rate ratios (relative to South Africa), and predicted mortality rates were described by region at 0–3, 3–6, 6–12, 12–24, and 24–48 months on ART for the period 2001–2010. Of the adults included (30,467 [South Africa], 29,727 [Europe], and 7,160 [North America]), 20,306 (67%), 9,961 (34%), and 824 (12%) were women. Patients began treatment with markedly more advanced disease in South Africa (median CD4 count 102, 213, and 172 cells/µl in South Africa, Europe, and North America, respectively). High early mortality after starting ART in South Africa occurred mainly in patients starting ART with CD4 count <50 cells/µl. Cumulative mortality at 4 years was 16.6%, 4.7%, and 15.3% in South Africa, Europe, and North America, respectively. Mortality was initially much lower in Europe and North America than South Africa, but the differences were reduced or reversed (North America) at longer durations on ART (adjusted rate ratios 0.46, 95% CI 0.37–0.58, and 1.62, 95% CI 1.27–2.05 between 24 and 48 months on ART comparing Europe and North America to South Africa). While bias due to under-ascertainment of mortality was minimised through death registry linkage, residual bias could still be present due to differing approaches to and frequency of linkage.
After accounting for under-ascertainment of mortality, with increasing duration on ART, the mortality rate on HIV treatment in South Africa declines to levels comparable to or below those described in participating North American cohorts, while substantially narrowing the differential with the European cohorts.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
BMJ Open. 2018 January 11; Volume 8 (Issue 1); DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017405
Ballif M, Zurcher K, Reid SE, Boulle AM, Fox MP, et al.
BMJ Open. 2018 January 11; Volume 8 (Issue 1); DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017405
Seasonal variations in tuberculosis diagnoses have been attributed to seasonal climatic changes and indoor crowding during colder winter months. We investigated trends in pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) diagnosis at antiretroviral therapy (ART) programmes in Southern Africa.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
J Int AIDS Soc. 2017 April 10 (Issue 1)
de Waal R, Cohen K, Fox MP, Stinson K, Maartens G, et al.
J Int AIDS Soc. 2017 April 10 (Issue 1)
Tenofovir has been associated with decline in kidney function, but in patients with low baseline kidney function, improvements over time have been reported. Additionally, the magnitude and trajectory of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) changes may differ according to how eGFR is calculated. We described changes in eGFR over time, and the incidence of, and risk factors for, kidney toxicity, in a South African cohort.
Journal Article > ResearchAbstract
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 January 22; Volume 63 (Issue 1); DOI:10.1097/QAI.0b013e318287c1fe
Hoffman CJ, Schomaker M, Fox MP, Mutevedzi, Giddy J, et al.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 January 22; Volume 63 (Issue 1); DOI:10.1097/QAI.0b013e318287c1fe
In many resource-limited settings monitoring of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is based on the current CD4 count, with limited access to HIV RNA tests or laboratory diagnostics. We examined whether the CD4 count slope over 6 months could provide additional prognostic information.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
PLOS Med. 2013 April 9; Volume 10 (Issue 4); DOI:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001418
Johnson LF, Mossong J, Dorrington R, Schomaker M, Hoffman CJ, et al.
PLOS Med. 2013 April 9; Volume 10 (Issue 4); DOI:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001418
Few estimates exist of the life expectancy of HIV-positive adults receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) in low- and middle-income countries. We aimed to estimate the life expectancy of patients starting ART in South Africa and compare it with that of HIV-negative adults.
Journal Article > Meta-AnalysisFull Text
PLOS Med. 2011 January 1; Volume 8 (Issue 1); DOI:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000390
Egger M, Sidle J, Weigel R, Geng EH, Fox MP, et al.
PLOS Med. 2011 January 1; Volume 8 (Issue 1); DOI:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000390
The World Health Organization estimates that in sub-Saharan Africa about 4 million HIV-infected patients had started antiretroviral therapy (ART) by the end of 2008. Loss of patients to follow-up and care is an important problem for treatment programmes in this region. As mortality is high in these patients compared to patients remaining in care, ART programmes with high rates of loss to follow-up may substantially underestimate mortality of all patients starting ART.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 July 7; Volume 70 (Issue 3); DOI:10.1097/QAI.0000000000000748
Koller M, Fatti G, Chi BH, Keiser O, Hoffman CJ, et al.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 July 7; Volume 70 (Issue 3); DOI:10.1097/QAI.0000000000000748