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Pathogens. 2023 October 13; Volume 12 (Issue 10); 1241.; DOI:10.3390/pathogens12101241
Pean P, Madec Y, Nerrienet E, Borand L, Laureillard D, et al.
Pathogens. 2023 October 13; Volume 12 (Issue 10); 1241.; DOI:10.3390/pathogens12101241
IRIS is a common complication in HIV-infected patients treated for tuberculosis (TB) and cART. Our aim was to evaluate NK cell reconstitution in HIV-infected patients with TB-IRIS compared to those without IRIS. 147 HIV-infected patients with TB from the CAMELIA trial were enrolled. HIV+TB+ patients were followed for 32 weeks. The NK cell repertoire was assessed in whole blood at different time points. As CAMELIA has two arms (early and late cART initiation), we analysed them separately. At enrolment, individuals had low CD4 cell counts (27 cells/mm3) and high plasma viral loads (5.76 and 5.50 log/mL for IRIS and non-IRIS individuals, respectively). Thirty-seven people developed IRIS (in the early and late arms). In the early and late arms, we observed similar proportions of total NK and NK cell subsets in TB-IRIS and non-IRIS individuals during follow-up, except for the CD56dimCD16pos (both arms) and CD56dimCD16neg (late arm only) subsets, which were higher in TB-IRIS and non-IRIS individuals, respectively, after cART. Regarding the repertoire and markers of NK cells, significant differences (lower expression of NKp30, NKG2A (CD159a), NKG2D (CD314) were observed in TB-IRIS compared to non-IRIS individuals after the start of cART. In the late arm, some changes (increased expression of CD69, NKG2C, CD158i) were observed in TB-IRIS compared to non-IRIS individuals, but only before cART initiation (during TB treatment). KIR expression by NK cells (CD158a and CD158i) was similar in both groups. CD69 expression by NK cells decreased in all groups. Expression of the NCR repertoire (NKp30, NKp44, NKp46) has similar kinetics in TB-IRIS subjects compared to non-IRIS subjects regardless of the arm analysed. NK cell reconstitution appeared to be better in TB-IRIS subjects. Although NK cell reconstitution is impaired in HIV infection after cART, as previously reported, it does not appear to be affected by the development of IRIS in HIV and TB-infected individuals.
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AIDS. 2013 October 23; Volume 27 (Issue 16); DOI:10.1097/01.aids.0000432456.14099.c7
Laureillard D, Marcy O, Madec Y, Chea S, Chan S, et al.
AIDS. 2013 October 23; Volume 27 (Issue 16); DOI:10.1097/01.aids.0000432456.14099.c7
To analyze cases of paradoxical tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (TB-IRIS) in the CAMbodian Early versus Late Introduction of Antiretrovirals (CAMELIA) randomized trial designed to compare early (2 weeks) versus late (8 weeks) antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation after tuberculosis treatment onset in Cambodia (NCT00226434).
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N Engl J Med. 2011 October 20; Volume 365 (Issue 16); DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa1013911
Blanc FX, Sok T, Laureillard D, Borand L, Rekacewicz C, et al.
N Engl J Med. 2011 October 20; Volume 365 (Issue 16); DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa1013911
Tuberculosis remains an important cause of death among patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Robust data are lacking with regard to the timing for the initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in relation to the start of antituberculosis therapy.
Protocol > Research Study
Fernandez MAL, Schomaker M, Mason PR, Fesselet JF, Baudot Y, et al.
2012 June 18
In highly populated African urban areas where access to clean water is a challenge, water source contamination is one of the most cited risk factors in a cholera epidemic. During the rainy season, where there is either no sewage disposal or working sewer system, runoff of rains follows the slopes and gets into the lower parts of towns where shallow wells could easily become contaminated by excretes. In cholera endemic areas, spatial information about topographical elevation could help to guide preventive interventions. This study aims to analyze the association between topographic elevation and the distribution of cholera cases in Harare during the cholera epidemic in 2008 and 2009.
We developed an ecological study using secondary data. First, we described attack rates by suburb and then calculated rate ratios using whole Harare as reference. We illustrated the average elevation and cholera cases by suburbs using geographical information. Finally, we estimated a generalized linear mixed model (under the assumption of a Poisson distribution) with an Empirical Bayesian approach to model the relation between the risk of cholera and the elevation in meters in Harare. We used a random intercept to allow for spatial correlation of neighboring suburbs.
This study identifies a spatial pattern of the distribution of cholera cases in the Harare epidemic, characterized by a lower cholera risk in the highest elevation suburbs of Harare. The generalized linear mixed model showed that for each 100 meters of increase in the topographical elevation, the cholera risk was 30% lower with a rate ratio of 0.70 (95% confidence interval=0.66-0.76). Sensitivity analysis confirmed the risk reduction with an overall estimate of the rate ratio between 20% and 40%.
This study highlights the importance of considering topographical elevation as a geographical and environmental risk factor in order to plan cholera preventive activities linked with water and sanitation in endemic areas. Furthermore, elevation information, among other risk factors, could help to spatially orientate cholera control interventions during an epidemic.
In highly populated African urban areas where access to clean water is a challenge, water source contamination is one of the most cited risk factors in a cholera epidemic. During the rainy season, where there is either no sewage disposal or working sewer system, runoff of rains follows the slopes and gets into the lower parts of towns where shallow wells could easily become contaminated by excretes. In cholera endemic areas, spatial information about topographical elevation could help to guide preventive interventions. This study aims to analyze the association between topographic elevation and the distribution of cholera cases in Harare during the cholera epidemic in 2008 and 2009.
We developed an ecological study using secondary data. First, we described attack rates by suburb and then calculated rate ratios using whole Harare as reference. We illustrated the average elevation and cholera cases by suburbs using geographical information. Finally, we estimated a generalized linear mixed model (under the assumption of a Poisson distribution) with an Empirical Bayesian approach to model the relation between the risk of cholera and the elevation in meters in Harare. We used a random intercept to allow for spatial correlation of neighboring suburbs.
This study identifies a spatial pattern of the distribution of cholera cases in the Harare epidemic, characterized by a lower cholera risk in the highest elevation suburbs of Harare. The generalized linear mixed model showed that for each 100 meters of increase in the topographical elevation, the cholera risk was 30% lower with a rate ratio of 0.70 (95% confidence interval=0.66-0.76). Sensitivity analysis confirmed the risk reduction with an overall estimate of the rate ratio between 20% and 40%.
This study highlights the importance of considering topographical elevation as a geographical and environmental risk factor in order to plan cholera preventive activities linked with water and sanitation in endemic areas. Furthermore, elevation information, among other risk factors, could help to spatially orientate cholera control interventions during an epidemic.
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Public Health Action. 2018 March 21; Volume 8 (Issue 1); DOI:10.5588/pha.17.0087
Ousley J, Soe KT, Kyaw NTT, Anicete R, Mon PE, et al.
Public Health Action. 2018 March 21; Volume 8 (Issue 1); DOI:10.5588/pha.17.0087
Setting: A southern Myanmar district providing isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) in one of the last countries to formally recommend it as part of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care.Objective:To assess coverage and adherence and the feasibility of IPT scale-up in a routine care setting in Myanmar.Design:A retrospective analysis of people living with HIV (PLHIV) screened for tuberculosis (TB) and enrolled in IPT over a 3-year period (July 2011-June 2014) using clinical databases.Results:Among 3377 patients under HIV care and screened for TB, 2740 (81.1%) initiated IPT, with 2651 (96.8%) completing a 6- or 9-month course of IPT; 83 (3.1%) interrupted treatment for different reasons, including loss to follow-up (n= 41), side effects (n= 15) or drug adherence issues (n= 9); 6 (0.2%) died. Among the IPT patients, 33 (1.2%) were diagnosed with TB, including 9 (0.3%) while on IPT and 24 (0.9%) within 1 year of completion of therapy. Among the PLHIV who completed IPT, one case of isoniazid resistance was detected.Conclusion:Scaling up IPT in Myanmar HIV settings is feasible with high rates of drug adherence and completion, and a low rate of discontinuation due to side effects. IPT scale-up should be prioritised in HIV clinical settings in Myanmar.
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BMC Public Health. 2012 June 18; Volume 12 (Issue 1); 442.; DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-12-442
Fernandez MAL, Schomaker M, Mason PR, Fesselet JF, Baudot Y, et al.
BMC Public Health. 2012 June 18; Volume 12 (Issue 1); 442.; DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-12-442
In highly populated African urban areas where access to clean water is a challenge, water source contamination is one of the most cited risk factors in a cholera epidemic. During the rainy season, where there is either no sewage disposal or working sewer system, runoff of rains follows the slopes and gets into the lower parts of towns where shallow wells could easily become contaminated by excretes. In cholera endemic areas, spatial information about topographical elevation could help to guide preventive interventions. This study aims to analyze the association between topographic elevation and the distribution of cholera cases in Harare during the cholera epidemic in 2008 and 2009.
We developed an ecological study using secondary data. First, we described attack rates by suburb and then calculated rate ratios using whole Harare as reference. We illustrated the average elevation and cholera cases by suburbs using geographical information. Finally, we estimated a generalized linear mixed model (under the assumption of a Poisson distribution) with an Empirical Bayesian approach to model the relation between the risk of cholera and the elevation in meters in Harare. We used a random intercept to allow for spatial correlation of neighboring suburbs.
This study identifies a spatial pattern of the distribution of cholera cases in the Harare epidemic, characterized by a lower cholera risk in the highest elevation suburbs of Harare. The generalized linear mixed model showed that for each 100 meters of increase in the topographical elevation, the cholera risk was 30% lower with a rate ratio of 0.70 (95% confidence interval=0.66-0.76). Sensitivity analysis confirmed the risk reduction with an overall estimate of the rate ratio between 20% and 40%.
This study highlights the importance of considering topographical elevation as a geographical and environmental risk factor in order to plan cholera preventive activities linked with water and sanitation in endemic areas. Furthermore, elevation information, among other risk factors, could help to spatially orientate cholera control interventions during an epidemic.
In highly populated African urban areas where access to clean water is a challenge, water source contamination is one of the most cited risk factors in a cholera epidemic. During the rainy season, where there is either no sewage disposal or working sewer system, runoff of rains follows the slopes and gets into the lower parts of towns where shallow wells could easily become contaminated by excretes. In cholera endemic areas, spatial information about topographical elevation could help to guide preventive interventions. This study aims to analyze the association between topographic elevation and the distribution of cholera cases in Harare during the cholera epidemic in 2008 and 2009.
We developed an ecological study using secondary data. First, we described attack rates by suburb and then calculated rate ratios using whole Harare as reference. We illustrated the average elevation and cholera cases by suburbs using geographical information. Finally, we estimated a generalized linear mixed model (under the assumption of a Poisson distribution) with an Empirical Bayesian approach to model the relation between the risk of cholera and the elevation in meters in Harare. We used a random intercept to allow for spatial correlation of neighboring suburbs.
This study identifies a spatial pattern of the distribution of cholera cases in the Harare epidemic, characterized by a lower cholera risk in the highest elevation suburbs of Harare. The generalized linear mixed model showed that for each 100 meters of increase in the topographical elevation, the cholera risk was 30% lower with a rate ratio of 0.70 (95% confidence interval=0.66-0.76). Sensitivity analysis confirmed the risk reduction with an overall estimate of the rate ratio between 20% and 40%.
This study highlights the importance of considering topographical elevation as a geographical and environmental risk factor in order to plan cholera preventive activities linked with water and sanitation in endemic areas. Furthermore, elevation information, among other risk factors, could help to spatially orientate cholera control interventions during an epidemic.
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Increased hepatitis C virus co-infection and Injection drug use in HIV-infected fishermen in Myanmar
BMC Infect Dis. 2018 December 14; Volume 18 (Issue 1); 657.; DOI:10.1186/s12879-018-3558-y
Ousley J, Nesbitt RC, Kyaw NTT, Bermudez E, Soe KT, et al.
BMC Infect Dis. 2018 December 14; Volume 18 (Issue 1); 657.; DOI:10.1186/s12879-018-3558-y
In Southeast Asia, though fishermen are known to be a key population at high risk of HIV, little is known about their co-infection rates with Hepatitis C virus (HCV), or how illness and risk behaviors vary by occupation or type of fishermen. In Myanmar, this lack of knowledge is particularly acute, despite the fact that much of the country's border is coastline.
We conducted a retrospective analysis to assess clinical, demographic, and risk characteristics of HIV-infected, ≥15-year-old males under HIV care from 2004 to 2014. Subgroups of fishermen were categorized according to the location of fishing activities, boat ownership, and length of time at sea. Generalized linear models assessed odds of high risk behaviors, including MSM (men who have sex with men), transactional sex, injection drug use (IDU), and HCV co-infection among international, local subsistence, and national migrant fishermen.
Of 2798 adult males who enrolled in HIV care between 2004 and 2014, 41.9% (n = 1172) were fishermen. Among these, migrants had the highest odds of engaging in risk behaviors such as sex work (Myanmar national migrants: OR 3.26 95% CI: 2.20 to 4.83), and injecting drugs (international migrants: OR 2.93, 95% CI: 1.22 to 3.87) when compared to the general male HIV clinic population. 15.9% of all fishermen reported past or current IDU (23.0% of international migrants). 22.8% of all fishermen were also co-infected with HCV, and though predictably injectors had the highest odds (OR 20.1, 95% CI: 13.7 to 29.5), even after controlling for other risk factors, fishermen retained higher odds (OR 2.37 95% CI: 1.70 to 3.32).
HIV positive fishermen in Myanmar had higher odds of HCV co-infection. They also disproportionally injected drugs and engaged in transactional sex more than other patients. This is especially pronounced among international migrant fishermen. HIV-infected fishermen should be counseled on high risk activities, screened for HCV, and targeted by harm reduction programs.
In Southeast Asia, though fishermen are known to be a key population at high risk of HIV, little is known about their co-infection rates with Hepatitis C virus (HCV), or how illness and risk behaviors vary by occupation or type of fishermen. In Myanmar, this lack of knowledge is particularly acute, despite the fact that much of the country's border is coastline.
We conducted a retrospective analysis to assess clinical, demographic, and risk characteristics of HIV-infected, ≥15-year-old males under HIV care from 2004 to 2014. Subgroups of fishermen were categorized according to the location of fishing activities, boat ownership, and length of time at sea. Generalized linear models assessed odds of high risk behaviors, including MSM (men who have sex with men), transactional sex, injection drug use (IDU), and HCV co-infection among international, local subsistence, and national migrant fishermen.
Of 2798 adult males who enrolled in HIV care between 2004 and 2014, 41.9% (n = 1172) were fishermen. Among these, migrants had the highest odds of engaging in risk behaviors such as sex work (Myanmar national migrants: OR 3.26 95% CI: 2.20 to 4.83), and injecting drugs (international migrants: OR 2.93, 95% CI: 1.22 to 3.87) when compared to the general male HIV clinic population. 15.9% of all fishermen reported past or current IDU (23.0% of international migrants). 22.8% of all fishermen were also co-infected with HCV, and though predictably injectors had the highest odds (OR 20.1, 95% CI: 13.7 to 29.5), even after controlling for other risk factors, fishermen retained higher odds (OR 2.37 95% CI: 1.70 to 3.32).
HIV positive fishermen in Myanmar had higher odds of HCV co-infection. They also disproportionally injected drugs and engaged in transactional sex more than other patients. This is especially pronounced among international migrant fishermen. HIV-infected fishermen should be counseled on high risk activities, screened for HCV, and targeted by harm reduction programs.
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Front Immunol. 2019 August 27; Volume 10; DOI:10.3389/fimmu.2019.02018
Pean P, Nouhin J, Ratana M, Madec Y, Borand L, et al.
Front Immunol. 2019 August 27; Volume 10; DOI:10.3389/fimmu.2019.02018
Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV-1) and Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Mtb) co-infected patients are commonly at risk of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) when initiating antiretroviral treatment (ART). Evidence indicates that innate immunity plays a role in TB-IRIS. Here, we evaluate the phenotype of Gamma-delta (γδ) T cells and invariant Natural Killer (iNK) T cells in tuberculosis-associated IRIS. Methods: Forty-eight HIV+/TB+ patients (21 IRIS) and three control groups: HIV-/TB- (HD, n = 11), HIV+/TB- (n = 26), and HIV-/TB+ (n = 22) were studied. Samples were taken at ART initiation (week 2 of anti-tuberculosis treatment) and at the diagnosis of IRIS for HIV+/TB+; before ART for HIV+/TB-, and at week 2 of anti-tuberculosis treatment for HIV-/TB+ patients. γδ T cells and Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: Before ART, IRIS, and non-IRIS patients showed a similar proportion of γδpos T and iNKT cells. HLA-DR on γδpos T cells and δ2posγδpos T cells was significantly higher in TB-IRIS vs. non-IRIS patients and controls (p < 0.0001). NKG2D expression on γδpos T cells and the δ2posγδpos T cell subset was lower in HIV+/TB+ patients than controls. CD158a expression on γδpos T cells was higher in TB-IRIS than non-IRIS (p = 0.02), HIV+/TB-, and HIV-/TB- patients. Conclusion: The higher activation of γδposT cells and the γδ2posγδpos T cell subset suggests that γδ T cells may play a role in the pathogenesis of TB-IRIS.
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AIDS. 2007 January 30; Volume 21 (Issue 3); DOI:10.1097/QAD.0b013e328012c54f
Madec Y, Laureillard D, Pinoges LLP, Fernandez MAL, Prak N, et al.
AIDS. 2007 January 30; Volume 21 (Issue 3); DOI:10.1097/QAD.0b013e328012c54f
BACKGROUND: HAART efficacy was evaluated in a real-life setting in Phnom Penh (Médecins Sans Frontières programme) among severely immuno-compromised patients. METHODS: Factors associated with mortality and immune reconstitution were identified using Cox proportional hazards and logistic regression models, respectively. RESULTS: From July 2001 to April 2005, 1735 patients initiated HAART, with median CD4 cell count of 20 (inter-quartile range, 6-78) cells/microl. Mortality at 2 years increased as the CD4 cell count at HAART initiation decreased, (4.4, 4.5, 7.5 and 24.7% in patients with CD4 cell count > 100, 51-100, 21-50 and < or = 20 cells/microl, respectively; P < 10). Cotrimoxazole and fluconazole prophylaxis were protective against mortality as long as CD4 cell counts remained < or = 200 and < or = 100 cells/microl, respectively. The proportion of patients with successful immune reconstitution (CD4 cell gain > 100 cells/microl at 6 months) was 46.3%; it was lower in patients with previous ART exposure [odds ratio (OR), 0.16; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.05-0.45] and patients developing a new opportunistic infection/immune reconstitution infection syndromes (OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.52-0.98). Similar efficacy was found between the stavudine-lamivudine-nevirapine fixed dose combination and the combination stavudine-lamivudine-efavirenz in terms of mortality and successful immune reconstitution. No surrogate markers for CD4 cell change could be identified among total lymphocyte count, haemoglobin, weight and body mass index. CONCLUSION: Although CD4 cell count-stratified mortality rates were similar to those observed in industrialized countries for patients with CD4 cell count > 50 cells/microl, patients with CD4 cell count < or = 20 cells/microl posed a real challenge to clinicians. Widespread voluntary HIV testing and counselling should be encouraged to allow HAART initiation before the development of severe immuno-suppression.
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PLOS One. 2015 August 24; Volume 10 (Issue 8); e0135188.; DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0135188
Kyaw NTT, Harries AD, Chinnakali P, Antierens A, Soe KT, et al.
PLOS One. 2015 August 24; Volume 10 (Issue 8); e0135188.; DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0135188
Since 2004, Médecins Sans Frontières-Switzerland has provided treatment and care for people living with HIV in Dawei, Myanmar. Renal function is routinely monitored in patients on tenofovir (TDF)-based antiretroviral treatment (ART), and this provides an opportunity to measure incidence and risk factors for renal dysfunction.
We used routinely collected program data on all patients aged =15 years starting first-line TDF-based ART between January 2012 and December 2013. Creatinine clearance (CrCl) was assessed at base line and six-monthly, with renal dysfunction defined as CrCl < 50ml/min/1.73m2. We calculated incidence of renal dysfunction and used Cox regression analysis to identify associated risk factors.
There were 1391 patients, of whom 1372 had normal renal function at baseline. Of these, 86 (6.3%) developed renal dysfunction during a median time of follow-up 1.14 years with an incidence rate of 5.4 per 100 person-years: 78 had CrCl between 30–50ml/min/1.73m2 and were maintained on TDF–based ART, but 5 were changed to another regimen: 4 because of CrCl <30ml/min/1.73m2. Risk factors for renal dysfunction included age =45 years, diagnosed diabetes, underlying renal disease, underweight and CD4 count <200cells/mm3. There were 19 patients with baseline renal dysfunction and all continued on TDF-based ART: CrCl stayed between 30–49 ml/min/1.73m2 in five patients while the remainder regained normal renal function.
In a resource-poor country like Myanmar, the low incidence of renal toxicity in our patient cohort suggests that routine assessment of CrCl may not be needed and could be targeted to high risk groups if resources permit.
Since 2004, Médecins Sans Frontières-Switzerland has provided treatment and care for people living with HIV in Dawei, Myanmar. Renal function is routinely monitored in patients on tenofovir (TDF)-based antiretroviral treatment (ART), and this provides an opportunity to measure incidence and risk factors for renal dysfunction.
We used routinely collected program data on all patients aged =15 years starting first-line TDF-based ART between January 2012 and December 2013. Creatinine clearance (CrCl) was assessed at base line and six-monthly, with renal dysfunction defined as CrCl < 50ml/min/1.73m2. We calculated incidence of renal dysfunction and used Cox regression analysis to identify associated risk factors.
There were 1391 patients, of whom 1372 had normal renal function at baseline. Of these, 86 (6.3%) developed renal dysfunction during a median time of follow-up 1.14 years with an incidence rate of 5.4 per 100 person-years: 78 had CrCl between 30–50ml/min/1.73m2 and were maintained on TDF–based ART, but 5 were changed to another regimen: 4 because of CrCl <30ml/min/1.73m2. Risk factors for renal dysfunction included age =45 years, diagnosed diabetes, underlying renal disease, underweight and CD4 count <200cells/mm3. There were 19 patients with baseline renal dysfunction and all continued on TDF-based ART: CrCl stayed between 30–49 ml/min/1.73m2 in five patients while the remainder regained normal renal function.
In a resource-poor country like Myanmar, the low incidence of renal toxicity in our patient cohort suggests that routine assessment of CrCl may not be needed and could be targeted to high risk groups if resources permit.