The 2022 WHO guidelines on multi-drug/rifampicin resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) recommend six months of bedaquiline (Bdq) in the all-oral 9-month shorter regimen and six months or longer for Bdq and delamanid (Dlm) in the 18-20-month longer regimen. However, lack of evidence on extended treatment using Bdq or Dlm has limited their use to six months. We examine the frequency and incidence of QT prolongation based on duration of Bdq and/or Dlm use in longer regimens.
We analyzed a prospective cohort of MDR/RR-TB patients from 16 countries who initiated treatment with Bdq and/or Dlm containing regimens from 1 April 2015-30 September 2018. Data were systematically collected using a shared protocol. The outcome of interest was the first clinically relevant prolonged QT interval (grade 3 or above) or a Serious Adverse Event (SAE) involving prolonged QT of any grade.
Among 2,553 patients, 59% received >6 months of Bdq and/or Dlm. Of these, 579 (20.9%) patients experienced a prolonged QT event, the majority (95.5%) being grade 1 or 2. Sixty-four(2.5%) patients experienced the outcome of interest with only 12 (0.5%) having ≥ 1 QT prolonging drugs permanently suspended. The incidence rate of the first prolonged QT event was highest in the first six months of treatment and lower in subsequent six-month periods.
We demonstrate that Bdq and/or Dlm use beyond six months is safe in longer MDR/RR-TB regimens with most clinically relevant QT prolongation events occurring in the first six months. ECG monitoring for early identification of QT prolongating events is possible in programmatic conditions.
Recent World Health Organisation guidance on drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment de-prioritised injectable agents, in use for decades, and endorsed all-oral longer regimens. However, questions remain about the role of the injectable agent, particularly in the context of regimens using new and repurposed drugs. We compared the effectiveness of an injectable-containing regimen to that of an all-oral regimen among patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis who received bedaquiline- and/or delamanid as part of their multidrug regimen.
Patients with a positive baseline culture were included. Six-month culture conversion was defined as two consecutive negative cultures collected >15 days apart. We derived predicted probabilities of culture conversion and relative risk using marginal standardisation methods.
Culture conversion was observed in 83.8% (526/628) of patients receiving an all-oral regimen and 85.5% (425/497) of those receiving an injectable-containing regimen. The adjusted relative risk comparing injectable-containing regimens to all-oral regimens was 0.96 (95%CI: 0.88–1.04). We found very weak evidence of effect modification by HIV status: among patients living with HIV, there was a small increase in the frequency of conversion among those receiving an injectable-containing regimen, relative to an all-oral regimen, which was not apparent in HIV-negative patients.
Among individuals receiving bedaquiline and/or delamanid as part of a multidrug regimen for drug-resistant tuberculosis, there was no significant difference between those who received an injectable and those who did not regarding culture conversion within 6 months. The potential contribution of injectable agents in the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis among those who were HIV positive requires further study.