Noma is an orofacial gangrene that rapidly eats away at the hard and soft tissue as well as the bones in the face. Noma has a 90% mortality rate, and the disease affects mostly children under the age of 5. Little is known about Noma as the majority of cases live in underserved, difficult to reach locations. MSF runs projects at the Noma Children’s Hospital in Sokoto, northern Nigeria and currently assists with surgical interventions for the patients who have survived and sought care at the hospital. Community outreach and active case finding are also taking place. These projects place MSF in a unique position to study Noma, and to add to the scant body of knowledge around the disease.
To identify risk factors for Noma in northwest Nigeria in terms of epidemiological (demographic characteristics, medical history), socio-economic-behavioural aspects and access to health care in order to better guide existing prevention strategies.
1. To understand concepts and perceptions of Noma within the population of northwestern Nigeria, specifically those affected (caretakers of Noma cases) by the disease, and controls matching these cases. To describe the epidemiological profile of all cases of Noma that have been treated at the MSF Noma Children’s Hospital from August 2015 until June 2016;
2. To describe the current Noma patient’s clinical history before the onset of the disease, the start of the disease and the care/treatment sought as well as the impact of Noma on the patient;
3. To assess Noma risk factors by comparing cases enrolled at the Noma Children’s Hospital and controls matched to cases by sex, age, and village of residence;
All of these objectives are in order to assess if there are intervention opportunities in the unique Nigerian setting that could prevent further Noma case development.
1) Qualitative phase: focus groups will take place with care takers (guardians or parents) of cases as well as key informant interviews with health care workers to better understand the local concepts, vocabulary and expressions used to describe Noma in this part of Nigeria.
2) Descriptive epidemiology: description of all available medical, nutritional and mental health data associated with the Noma patients operated on at the Noma Children’s Hospital over the last year.
3) Case control study: assessing risk factors for Noma using care takers of cases recruited from the Noma Children’s Hospital and care takers of controls that are recruited from cases village of residence and matched by age and sex.
• Initiate the MSF operational research agenda around Noma in Nigeria;
• Improved understanding of local beliefs, traditions and language used to describe Noma;
• Improved understanding of Noma patients at the Sokoto Children’s hospital;
• Identification of preventable risk factors for Noma development in our patients;
• Integration of information obtained into outreach programming, improved community engagements, options for preventative campaigns and overall improved clinical and mental health care of Noma patients and caretakers in the MSF project.
Armed conflict in the 21st century poses new challenges to a humanitarian surgical response, including changing security requirements, access to patients, and communities in need, limited deployable surgical assets, resource constraints, and the requirement to address both traumatic injuries as well as emergency surgical needs of the population. At the same time, recent improvements in trauma care and systems have reduced injury-related mortality. This combination of new challenges and medical capabilities warrants reconsideration of long-standing humanitarian surgery protocols.
To describe a consensus framework for surgical care designed to respond to this emerging need.
An international group of 35 representatives from humanitarian agencies, US military, and academic trauma programs was invited to the Stanford Humanitarian Surgical Response in Conflict Working Group to engage in a structured process to review extant trauma protocols and make recommendations for revision.
The working group's method adapted core elements of a modified Delphi process combined with consensus development conference from August 3 to August 5, 2018.
Lessons from civilian and military trauma systems as well as recent battlefield experiences in humanitarian settings were integrated into a tiered continuum of response from point of injury through rehabilitation. The framework addresses the security and medical requirements as well as ethical and legal principles that guide humanitarian action. The consensus framework includes trained, lay first responders; far-forward resuscitation/stabilization centers; rapid damage control surgical access; and definitive care facilities. The system also includes nontrauma surgical care, injury prevention, quality improvement, data collection, and predeployment training requirements.
Evidence suggests that modern trauma systems save lives. However, the requirements of providing this standard of care in insecure conflict settings places new burdens on humanitarian systems that must provide both emergency and trauma surgical care. This consensus framework integrates advances in trauma care and surgical systems in response to a changing security environment. It is possible to reduce disparities and improve the standard of care in these settings.
Noma, a rapidly progressing infection of the oral cavity, mainly affects children. The true burden is unknown. This study reports estimated noma prevalence in children in northwest Nigeria.
Oral screening was performed on all ≤15 year olds, with caretaker consent, in selected households during this cross-sectional survey. Noma stages were classified using WHO criteria and caretakers answered survey questions. The prevalence of noma was estimated stratified by age group (0–5 and 6–15 years). Factors associated with noma were estimated using logistic regression.
A total of 177 clusters, 3499 households and 7122 children were included. In this sample, 4239 (59.8%) were 0–5 years and 3692 (52.1%) were female. Simple gingivitis was identified in 3.1% (n=181; 95% CI 2.6 to 3.8), acute necrotising gingivitis in 0.1% (n=10; CI 0.1 to 0.3) and oedema in 0.05% (n=3; CI 0.02 to 0.2). No cases of late-stage noma were detected. Multivariable analysis in the group aged 0–5 years showed having a well as the drinking water source (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.1; CI 1.2 to 3.6) and being aged 3–5 years (aOR 3.9; CI 2.1 to 7.8) was associated with being a noma case. In 6–15 year olds, being male (aOR 1.5; CI 1.0 to 2.2) was associated with being a noma case and preparing pap once or more per week (aOR 0.4; CI 0.2 to 0.8) was associated with not having noma. We estimated that 129120 (CI 105294 to 1 52 947) individuals <15 years of age would have any stage of noma at the time of the survey within the two states. Most of these cases (93%; n=120 082) would be children with simple gingivitis.
Our study identified a high prevalence of children at risk of developing advanced noma. This disease is important but neglected and therefore merits inclusion in the WHO neglected tropical diseases list.
Noma is a rapidly progressing infection of the oral cavity frequently resulting in severe facial disfigurement. We present a case series of noma patients surgically treated in northwest Nigeria.
A retrospective analysis of routinely collected data (demographics, diagnosis and surgical procedures undergone) and in-person follow-up assessments (anthropometry, mouth opening and quality of life measurements) were conducted with patients who had surgery >6 mo prior to data collection.
Of the 37 patients included, 21 (56.8%) were male and 22 (62.9%) were aged >6 y. The median number of months between last surgery and follow-up was 18 (IQR 13, 25) mo. At admission, the most severely affected anatomical area was the outer cheek (n = 9; 36.0% of patients had lost between 26% and 50%). The most frequent surgical procedures were the deltopectoral flap (n = 16; 43.2%) and trismus release (n = 12; 32.4%). For the eight trismus-release patients where mouth opening was documented at admission, all had a mouth opening of 0–20 mm at follow-up. All patients reported that the surgery had improved their quality of life.
Following their last surgical intervention, noma patients do experience some improvements in their quality of life, but debilitating long-term sequelae persist.
In June 2017, the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched a military operation to retake the city of Raqqa, Syria, from the so-called Islamic State. The city population incurred mass numbers of wounded. In the post-offensive period, the population returned to a city (Raqqa) contaminated with improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and explosive remnants of war (ERWs), resulting in a second wave of wounded patients. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) supported a hospital in Tal-Abyad (north of Raqqa) and scaled up operations in response to this crisis. We describe the cohort of blast-wounded cases admitted to this hospital in order help prepare future humanitarian responses.
We retrospectively extracted data from clinical charts in the MSF-supported hospital. We included all new admissions for blast-wounded patients with key data elements documented. We performed comparative analyses from the offensive period (June 6, 2017 to October 17, 2017) and the post-offensive period (October 18, 2017 to March 17, 2018).
We included 322 blast related injuries. There were more than twice the number of cases with blast injuries in the post-offensive period as the offensive period (225 vs. 97, p = <.001). The offensive period saw a significantly higher proportion of female patients (32.0%, n = 31 vs. 11.1%, n = 25, p < 0.001) and paediatric patients (42.3%, n = 41 vs 24.9%, n = 56, p = 0.002). Blast-injured patients in the post-offensive period included more cases with multiple traumatic injuries (65.8%, n = 148 vs. 39.2%, n = 38, p < 0.001). The treatment of the blast-injured cases in the post-offensive period was more labor intensive with those patients having a higher median number of interventions (2 vs 1, p = <0.001) and higher median number of days in hospital (7 vs 4, p = < 0.001).
In the wake of the Raqqa offensive, the MSF-supported district hospital received an unpredicted second, larger and more complex wave of blast-wounded cases as the population returned to a city strewn with IEDs and ERWs. These findings indicate the high risk of traumatic injury to the population even after warring factions have vacated conflict zones. Medical humanitarian actors should be prepared for a continued and scaled up response in areas known to be highly contaminated with explosive ordnance.
Noma is a rapidly spreading infection of the oral cavity which mainly affects young children. Without early treatment, it can have a high mortality rate. Simple gingivitis is a warning sign for noma, and acute necrotizing gingivitis is the first stage of noma. The epidemiology of noma is not well understood. We aimed to understand the prevalence of all stages of noma in hospitalised children.
We conducted a prospective observational study from 1st June to 24th October 2021, enrolling patients aged 0 to 12 years who were admitted to the Anka General Hospital, Zamfara, northwest Nigeria. Consenting parents/ guardians of participants were interviewed at admission. Participants had anthropometric and oral exams at admission and discharge.
Of the 2346 patients, 58 (2.5%) were diagnosed with simple gingivitis and six (n = 0.3%) with acute necrotizing gingivitis upon admission. Of those admitted to the Inpatient Therapeutic Feeding Centre (ITFC), 3.4% (n = 37, CI 2.5–4.7%) were diagnosed with simple gingivitis upon admission compared to 1.7% of those not admitted to the ITFC (n = 21, CI 1.1–2.6%) (p = 0.008). Risk factors identified for having simple gingivitis include being aged over two years (2 to 6 yrs old, odds ratio (OR) 3.4, CI 1.77–6.5; 7 to 12 yrs OR 5.0, CI 1.7–14.6; p = <0.001), being admitted to the ITFC (OR 2.1; CI 1.22–3.62) and having oral health issues in the three months prior to the assessment (OR 18.75; CI 10.65, 33.01). All (n = 4/4) those aged six months to five years acute necrotizing gingivitis had chronic malnutrition.
Our study showed a small proportion of children admitted to the Anka General Hospital had simple or acute necrotizing gingivitis. Hospital admission with malnutrition was a risk factor for both simple and acute necrotizing gingivitis The lack of access to and uptake of oral health care indicates a strong need for oral exams to be included in routine health services. This provision could improve the oral status of the population and decrease the chance of patients developing noma.
Noma is a gangrenous infection of the face that results in severe facial deformity, occurring primarily in malnourished and impoverished populations.
To assess clinician- and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) before and after reconstructive surgery for patients with noma in northwest Nigeria.
Objective outcomes were recorded using the noma-specific NOITULP (nose, outer cheek, inner cheek, trismus, upper/lower lip, particularities) classification system. PROs were recorded using a locally developed tool. Postsurgical changes were assessed by Wilcoxon signed-rank testing. Linear regression was used to look for associated risk factors. The inter-rater reliability (IRR) of the NOITULP score was assessed using the weighted kappa statistic.
Forty-nine patients (median age 25 years, 71% male) underwent local/regional flap reconstruction and/or trismus release. Twelve complications were reported. Univariate analysis showed a 3.20 change in PRO score (95% confidence interval 0.59 to 5.81, p = 0.018) per kilogram the patient underwent at time of surgery. The NOITULP score improved from a presurgery median of 3.5 to 2.3 (p < 0.0001), however, the IRR was poor (kappa = 0.0894, p < 0.0001). The PRO score also improved from a median of 7.0 to 12.0 (p < 0.0001).
Facial reconstructive surgery improves the NOITULP score and PROs in patients with noma in northwest Nigeria.