In 2021 in response to an outbreak of hepatitis E in Bentiu internally displaced persons camp the South Sudanese Ministry of Health with support from Médecins Sans Frontières implemented the first-ever mass reactive vaccination campaign with HEV239 (Hecolin; Innovax, Xiamen, China). We conducted qualitative research to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to hepatitis E and the hepatitis E vaccine. We conducted 8 focus group discussions (FGDs) with community leaders, the general population of vaccine-eligible adults, vaccine-eligible pregnant women (vaccinated and non-vaccinated), and healthcare workers. FGDs were separate by gender and were audio recorded, transcribed, and translated to English. Two coders used inductive thematic analysis to organize emergent themes. Data were collected in November 2022. Most participants had experiences with hepatitis E (e.g., infected themselves or knowing someone that had been infected) and viewed hepatitis E as a dangerous disease. Participants believed children, pregnant women, and older persons were the highest risk groups and frequently made requests for additional hepatitis E vaccination campaigns and expanded eligibility criteria for vaccination. Knowledge of the negative impacts of hepatitis E and trusted relationships with the organizations offering the vaccine were key facilitators of vaccine acceptance. The primary barriers to vaccination were practical issues related to being away from the camp during the campaign or not knowing about the campaign, but participants shared that some in the community were unvaccinated due to fears about injections, social pressure, misinformation, and concerns about why some groups were eligible for vaccination and not others (e.g., young children). Personal experiences with hepatitis E illness, perceived severity of illness, and confidence in organizations recommending the vaccine were drivers of high demand for hepatitis E vaccines in the first-ever use of the vaccine in an outbreak setting. Addressing practical issues related to population mobility can improve coverage in future campaigns.
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a leading cause of acute viral hepatitis, particularly in Asia and Africa, where HEV genotypes 1 and 2 are prevalent. Although a recombinant vaccine, Hecolin, is available, it has not been used to control outbreaks. The licensed three-dose regimen might pose challenges for it to be an impactful outbreak control tool. Our study aimed to estimate the effectiveness of two doses of Hecolin in the context of the first-ever reactive use of the vaccine.
We conducted a case-control study during an HEV outbreak in the Bentiu internally displaced persons camp, South Sudan. Patients with acute jaundice syndrome (suspected cases) seeking care at the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital were screened for study eligibility. Eligible participants were those that had been eligible for vaccination (ie, living in the camp and aged 16-40 years). Confirmed cases were defined as individuals who tested positive for hepatitis E by RT-PCR or anti-HEV IgM ELISA. Each case was matched to six controls by age, sex, pregnancy status, and residence. Self-reported vaccination status was verified through vaccination cards. The primary analysis was two-dose vaccine effectiveness, which we estimated with a matched case-control design using conditional logistic regression models. In secondary analyses we estimated vaccine effectiveness using a test-negative design and the screening method. We used test-negative cases and their matched controls as a bias indicator analysis to help quantify potential health seeking behaviour biases.
Between May 10 and Dec 30, 2022, we identified 859 patients with suspected hepatitis E. Of these, 201 met the eligibility criteria and 21 cases had laboratory confirmed hepatitis E. Among the confirmed cases, 10 (48%) were unvaccinated compared with 33 (27%) of 121 matched controls. In the primary analysis we estimated an unadjusted two-dose vaccine effectiveness of 67·8% (95% CI -28·6 to 91·9), and a two-dose vaccine effectiveness of 84·0% (-208·5 to 99·2) after adjustment for potential confounders. The bias indicator analysis suggested that test-negative cases might have been more likely to have been vaccinated than their matched community controls due to different health-care seeking behaviours, potentially meaning underestimation of effectiveness estimates. The test-negative design, which uses facility-matched controls, led to an adjusted two-dose effectiveness of 89·4% (56·4 to 98·0).
Despite the small sample size, our estimates provide evidence of effectiveness of a two-dose regimen against HEV genotype 1 during a protracted outbreak, supporting its use in similar contexts.
In refugee and internally displaced person settlements, hygienic water handling and free residual chlorine (FRC) are crucial for protecting water against recontamination after distribution up to the household point-of-consumption. We conducted a secondary analysis of water quality and water handling data collected in refugee camps in South Sudan, Jordan, and Rwanda using statistical and process-based modeling to explore how water handling practices affect FRC decay and household FRC outcomes. The two practices that consistently produced a significant effect on FRC decay and household FRC were storing water in direct sunlight and transferring water between containers during household storage. Samples stored in direct sunlight had 0.22–0.31 mg/L lower household FRC and had FRC decay rates between 2 and 3.7 times higher than samples stored in the shade, and samples that were transferred between containers had 0.031–0.51 mg/L lower household FRC and decay rates 1.65–3 times higher than non-transferred samples in sites in which the effect was significant, suggesting that humanitarian responders should aim to provide additional water storage containers to prevent water transferring in households and encourage water-users not to store water in direct sunlight. By contrast, the effect of the three recommended hygienic water handling behaviors (clean, covered containers and drawing by tap or pouring) was mixed or inconclusive. These inconclusive results were likely due to imbalanced or unreliable approaches to gathering the data, and we recommend that hygienic water handling practices that mechanistically provide a physical barrier against recontamination should always be promoted in humanitarian settings.
Both high- and low-income countries reported increased antibiotic consumption among COVID-19 patients during the first months of the pandemic. To date, however, no studies have examined changes in antibiotic consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic within humanitarian emergency contexts.
Data was collected by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for the years 2018-2021 across the following humanitarian settings: Afghanistan (Lashkar Gah), Bangladesh (Kutupalong), the Democratic Republic of Congo (Mweso and Baraka), and South Sudan (Bentiu). Inpatient and outpatient antibiotic consumption was calculated as Daily Defined Dose (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants per day, as per the World Health Organisation's (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology. Interrupted time series (ITS) analysis, using an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model was used to analyse retrospective monthly antibiotic consumption. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic was evaluated as total antibiotic consumption and according to WHO Access, Watch, Reserve (AWaRe) group classifications within each humanitarian setting.
The COVID-19 pandemic had no statistically significant impact on total antibiotic consumption in South Sudan (Bentiu) and Bangladesh (Kutupalong). Similarly, the pandemic had no impact on total antibiotic consumption in DR Congo (Baraka), despite an initial 0.27% (estimate=.274, p-value=0.006) increase in March 2020 driven by Access group antibiotics. Meanwhile, total antibiotic consumption in DR Congo (Mweso) and Afghanistan (Lashkar Gah) declined by 0.74% (estimate = -.744, p = 0.003) and 0.26% (estimate = -.26, p < 0.001), respectively with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Further studies are required to investigate what may have contributed to these results.
Antimicrobial resistance is of great global public health concern. In order to address the paucity of antibiotic consumption data and antimicrobial resistance surveillance systems in hospitals in humanitarian settings, we estimated antibiotic consumption in six hospitals with the aim of developing recommendations for improvements in antimicrobial stewardship programs.
Six hospitals supported by Médecins sans Frontières were included in the study: Boost-Afghanistan, Kutupalong-Bangladesh, Baraka and Mweso-Democratic Republic of Congo, Kule-Ethiopia, and Bentiu-South Sudan. Data for 36,984 inpatients and antibiotic consumption data were collected from 2018 to 2020. Antibiotics were categorized per World Health Organization Access Watch Reserve classification. Total antibiotic consumption was measured by Defined Daily Doses (DDDs)/1000 bed-days.
Average antibiotic consumption in all hospitals was 2745 DDDs/1000 bed-days. Boost hospital had the highest antibiotic consumption (4157 DDDs/1000 bed-days) and Bentiu the lowest (1598 DDDs/1000 bed-days). In all hospitals, Access antibiotics were mostly used (69.7%), followed by Watch antibiotics (30.1%). The most consumed antibiotics were amoxicillin (23.5%), amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (14%), and metronidazole (13.2%). Across all projects, mean annual antibiotic consumption reduced by 22.3% during the study period, mainly driven by the reduction in Boost hospital in Afghanistan.
This was the first study to assess antibiotic consumption by DDD metric in hospitals in humanitarian settings. Antibiotic consumption in project hospitals was higher than those reported from non-humanitarian settings. Routine systematic antibiotic consumption monitoring systems should be implemented in hospitals, accompanied by prescribing audits and point-prevalence surveys, to inform about the volume and appropriateness of antibiotic use and to support antimicrobial stewardship efforts in humanitarian settings.
Every year, 60% of deaths from diarrhoeal disease occur in low and middle-income countries due to inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene. In these countries, diarrhoeal diseases are the second leading cause of death in children under five, excluding neonatal deaths. The approximately 100,000 people residing in the Bentiu Internally Displaced Population (IDP) camp in South Sudan have previously experienced water, sanitation, and hygiene outbreaks, including an ongoing Hepatitis E outbreak in 2021. This study aimed to assess the gaps in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), prioritise areas for intervention, and advocate for the improvement of WASH services based on the findings.
A cross-sectional lot quality assurance sampling (LQAS) survey was conducted in ninety-five households to collect data on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) coverage performance across five sectors. Nineteen households were allocated to each sector, referred to as supervision areas in LQAS surveys. Probability proportional to size sampling was used to determine the number of households to sample in each sector block selected using a geographic positioning system. One adult respondent, familiar with the household, was chosen to answer WASH-related questions, and one child under the age of five was selected through a lottery method to assess the prevalence of WASH-related disease morbidities in the previous two weeks. The data were collected using the KoBoCollect mobile application. Data analysis was conducted using R statistical software and a generic LQAS Excel analyser. Crude values, weighted averages, and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for each indicator. Target coverage benchmarks set by program managers and WASH guidelines were used to classify the performance of each indicator.
The LQAS survey revealed that five out of 13 clean water supply indicators, eight out of 10 hygiene and sanitation indicators, and two out of four health indicators did not meet the target coverage. Regarding the clean water supply indicators, 68.9% (95% CI 60.8%-77.1%) of households reported having water available six days a week, while 37% (95% CI 27%-46%) had water containers in adequate condition. For the hygiene and sanitation indicators, 17.9% (95% CI 10.9%-24.8%) of households had handwashing points in their living area, 66.8% (95% CI 49%-84.6%) had their own jug for cleansing after defaecation, and 26.4% (95% CI 17.4%-35.3%) of households had one piece of soap. More than 40% of households wash dead bodies at funerals and wash their hands in a shared bowl. Households with sanitary facilities at an acceptable level were 22.8% (95% CI 15.6%-30.1%), while 13.2% (95% CI 6.6%-19.9%) of households had functioning handwashing points at the latrines. Over the previous two weeks, 57.9% (95% CI 49.6–69.7%) of households reported no diarrhoea, and 71.3% (95% CI 62.1%-80.6%) reported no eye infections among children under five.
The camp’s hygiene and sanitation situation necessitated immediate intervention to halt the hepatitis E outbreak and prevent further WASH-related outbreaks and health issues. The LQAS findings were employed to advocate for interventions addressing the WASH gaps, resulting in WASH and health actors stepping in.
In September 2023, the South Sudan Ministry of Health declared an outbreak of hepatitis E virus in Fangak County, Jonglei State. From April to November 2023, MSF identified 169 hepatitis E cases, among them 45% pregnant women. Cases reported at the hospital were severe and the case fatality ratio (CFR) was high with 18 deaths, 53% were women of reproductive age and 42% were pregnant women. In response, MSF together with the Ministry of Health conducted the 2nd ever reactive vaccination campaign with the Hecolin vaccine. The 1st to target exclusively women of reproductive age.
This is a descriptive, cross-sectional cluster survey with a two-stage cluster sampling design. The two strata selected were the Old Fangak and Mareang/Toch Payams.
To complement the vaccination coverage estimates, understand perception of the vaccine, and the acceptance of the strategy to vaccinate only women of reproductive age, qualitative methods were utilized following the second round of vaccination.
High coverage was observed of at least one dose of hepatitis E vaccine, according to recall or card, among vaccine eligible women: 94% [95% CI 92-95] in Old Fangak and Mareang /Toch Payams. Coverage of two doses was lower, with estimated coverage of 77% [95% CI 74-80%] according to recall or card. Vaccination coverage was similar in both strata, even in hard-to-reach areas.
While community members reported high acceptance of vaccine, many were critical of the vaccine strategy targeting women aged 16 to 45. This was perceived to conflict with the observed cases of Hepatitis E among the population and physical reproductive age, exclude other vulnerable groups, and not consider community priorities or decision-making structures.
The vaccination campaign reached high coverage despite challenging field conditions, and low acceptance of the strategy.