Patients initiated on drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) treatment in 2019 in Khayelitsha, South Africa, with a loss to follow-up outcome were evaluated to better understand reasons for loss to follow-up and to determine if any had returned to care. Of a total of 187 patients, 28 (15%) were lost to follow-up (LTFU), 24 (86%) of whom were traced: 20/24 (83%) were found when they re-presented to facilities and 8/28 (29%) were linked back to DR-TB care. People with DR-TB continue to seek care even after being LTFU; thus better coordination between different components of the healthcare system are required to re-engage with these patients. Interventions to mitigate the socio-economic challenges of people on DR-TB treatment are needed. Many people who were LTFU and symptomatic were willing to re-engage with DR-TB care, which highlights the importance of for compassionate interventions to welcome them back.