Conference Material > Abstract

COVID-19 — Epidemiological and medical characteristics of patients in MSF programs

Data on patient’s profiles and characteristics in MSF were gathered from intersectional initiative to standardize data collection. The profile of MSF patients is globally consistent with other observations worldwide, though it varies across contexts and regions.

As of 26th of May, about 167 million COVID-19 cases and over 3.5 million deaths were reported worldwide. MSF did intervene with COVID19 projects in multiple countries with humanitarian contexts.

Intersectional linelisting initiative to standardize data collection was led by Epicentre, information was gathered from different data sources and analyzed weekly. Patient’s profiles and characteristics in MSF were analyzed using individual data related to suspect, probable and confirmed cases, gathered for all operational centers.

Within MSF, 150 sites reported data, representing all OCs and 40 countries. Over 78,000 patients were recorded, including over 11,000 confirmed. The number of patients recorded in MSF interventions have reached peaks in two distinct periods, during June/July 2020 and April 2021. MSF COVID-19 patients were relatively young (median age 32 years), being older in Americas, Europe and Middle-East. Over 19% of patients presented with at least one other condition, with higher proportion of patients reporting comorbidities like diabetes or hypertension in Middle-East and Europe, and more co-infections reported in Africa. About 20% of these patients were hospitalized, 14% being critical and 27% severe. Overall, the CFR was 19% and varied across continents.

The profile of MSF patients is globally consistent with other observations worldwide. It however varies across contexts and regions. The data collection system set up in MSF allows to monitor interventions and characteristics of patients. Nevertheless, more detailed analysis are needed at project or country level in order to best understand a specific context.

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