To describe health seeking behaviour during pregnancy, for childbirth and in children under the age of five years, and to identify barriers to accessing and receiving healthcare services at the time of the study and since the start of the Ebola outbreak in an urban and rural area of Tonkolili District.
1. To estimate utilisation of health facilities by women for childbirth in Magburaka town and Yoni chiefdom since the start of the Ebola outbreak ;
2. To estimate utilisation of healthcare services by children aged <5 years in Magburaka town and Yoni chiefdom during their most recent febrile illness within the three month period preceding the day of the survey.
3. To identify and describe factors influencing utilisation of health services and delays in seeking and receiving adequate healthcare during pregnancy and for childbirth
4. To identify and describe factors influencing utilisation of health services and delays in seeking and receiving adequate healthcare for febrile illness in children aged <5 years