In 2021 in response to an outbreak of hepatitis E in Bentiu internally displaced persons camp the South Sudanese Ministry of Health with support from Médecins Sans Frontières implemented the first-ever mass reactive vaccination campaign with HEV239 (Hecolin; Innovax, Xiamen, China). We conducted qualitative research to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to hepatitis E and the hepatitis E vaccine. We conducted 8 focus group discussions (FGDs) with community leaders, the general population of vaccine-eligible adults, vaccine-eligible pregnant women (vaccinated and non-vaccinated), and healthcare workers. FGDs were separate by gender and were audio recorded, transcribed, and translated to English. Two coders used inductive thematic analysis to organize emergent themes. Data were collected in November 2022. Most participants had experiences with hepatitis E (e.g., infected themselves or knowing someone that had been infected) and viewed hepatitis E as a dangerous disease. Participants believed children, pregnant women, and older persons were the highest risk groups and frequently made requests for additional hepatitis E vaccination campaigns and expanded eligibility criteria for vaccination. Knowledge of the negative impacts of hepatitis E and trusted relationships with the organizations offering the vaccine were key facilitators of vaccine acceptance. The primary barriers to vaccination were practical issues related to being away from the camp during the campaign or not knowing about the campaign, but participants shared that some in the community were unvaccinated due to fears about injections, social pressure, misinformation, and concerns about why some groups were eligible for vaccination and not others (e.g., young children). Personal experiences with hepatitis E illness, perceived severity of illness, and confidence in organizations recommending the vaccine were drivers of high demand for hepatitis E vaccines in the first-ever use of the vaccine in an outbreak setting. Addressing practical issues related to population mobility can improve coverage in future campaigns.
In refugee and internally displaced person settlements, hygienic water handling and free residual chlorine (FRC) are crucial for protecting water against recontamination after distribution up to the household point-of-consumption. We conducted a secondary analysis of water quality and water handling data collected in refugee camps in South Sudan, Jordan, and Rwanda using statistical and process-based modeling to explore how water handling practices affect FRC decay and household FRC outcomes. The two practices that consistently produced a significant effect on FRC decay and household FRC were storing water in direct sunlight and transferring water between containers during household storage. Samples stored in direct sunlight had 0.22–0.31 mg/L lower household FRC and had FRC decay rates between 2 and 3.7 times higher than samples stored in the shade, and samples that were transferred between containers had 0.031–0.51 mg/L lower household FRC and decay rates 1.65–3 times higher than non-transferred samples in sites in which the effect was significant, suggesting that humanitarian responders should aim to provide additional water storage containers to prevent water transferring in households and encourage water-users not to store water in direct sunlight. By contrast, the effect of the three recommended hygienic water handling behaviors (clean, covered containers and drawing by tap or pouring) was mixed or inconclusive. These inconclusive results were likely due to imbalanced or unreliable approaches to gathering the data, and we recommend that hygienic water handling practices that mechanistically provide a physical barrier against recontamination should always be promoted in humanitarian settings.
The Safe Water Optimization Tool (SWOT) generates evidence-based point-of-distribution free residual chlorine (FRC) targets to adjust chlorine dosing by operators and ensure water quality at point-of-consumption. To investigate SWOT effectiveness in surface waters, we conducted two before-and-after mixed-method evaluations in a Uganda refugee settlement served by piped and trucked surface water systems. We surveyed 888 users on water knowledge, attitudes, and practices; collected 2768 water samples to evaluate FRC,Escherichia coli, and disinfection by-products (DBPs) concentrations; and conducted nine key-informant interviews with system operators about SWOT implementation. After baseline data collection, SWOT chlorination targets were generated, increasing point-of-distribution FRC targets from 0.2 to 0.7-0.8 mg/L and from 0.3 to 0.9 mg/L for piped and trucked systems, respectively. At endline, household point-of-consumption FRC ≥ 0.2 mg/L increased from 23 to 35% and from 8 to 42% in the two systems. With these increases, we did not observe increased chlorinated water rejection or DBPs concentrations exceeding international guidelines. Informants reported that SWOT implementation increased knowledge and capacity and improved operations. Overall, SWOT-generated chlorination targets increased chlorine dosage, which improved household water quality in surface waters although less than previously documented with groundwater sources. Additional operator support on prechlorination water treatment processes is needed to ensure maximally effective SWOT implementation for surface water sources.
To determine whether adding urine culture to urinary tract infection diagnosis in pregnant women from refugee camps in Lebanon reduced unnecessary antibiotic use.
We conducted a prospective, cross-sectional study between April and June 2022 involving pregnant women attending a Médecins Sans Frontières sexual reproductive health clinic in south Beirut. Women with two positive urine dipstick tests (i.e. a suspected urinary tract infection) provided urine samples for culture. Bacterial identification and antimicrobial sensitivity testing were conducted following European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing guidelines. We compared the characteristics of women with positive and negative urine culture findings and we calculated the proportion of antibiotics overprescribed or inappropriately used. We also estimated the cost of adding urine culture to the diagnostic algorithm.
The study included 449 pregnant women with suspected urinary tract infections: 18.0% (81/449) had positive urine culture findings. If antibiotics were administered following urine dipstick results alone, 368 women would have received antibiotics unnecessarily: an overprescription rate of 82% (368/449). If administration was based on urine culture findings plus urinary tract infection symptoms, 144 of 368 women with negative urine culture findings would have received antibiotics unnecessarily: an overprescription rate of 39.1% (144/368). The additional cost of urine culture was 0.48 euros per woman.
A high proportion of pregnant women with suspected urinary tract infections from refugee camps unnecessarily received antibiotics. Including urine culture in diagnosis, which is affordable in Lebanon, would greatly reduce antibiotic overprescription. Similar approaches could be adopted in other regions where microbiology laboratories are accessible.