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PLoS Curr. 2016 November 16; Volume 8; ecurrents.dis.e75f9f9d977ac8adededb381e3948a04.; DOI:10.1371/currents.dis.e75f9f9d977ac8adededb381e3948a04
Aluisio AR, Teicher CL, Wiskel T, Guy A, Levine AC
PLoS Curr. 2016 November 16; Volume 8; ecurrents.dis.e75f9f9d977ac8adededb381e3948a04.; DOI:10.1371/currents.dis.e75f9f9d977ac8adededb381e3948a04
Lower extremity trauma during earthquakes accounts for the largest burden of geophysical disaster-related injuries. Insufficient pain management is common in disaster settings, and regional anesthesia (RA) has the potential to reduce pain in injured patients beyond current standards. To date, no prospective research has evaluated the use of RA in a disaster setting. This cross-sectional study assesses knowledge translation and skill acquisition outcomes for lower extremity RA performed with and without ultrasound guidance among a cohort of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) volunteers who will function as proceduralists in a planned randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of RA for pain management in an earthquake setting.
Generalist humanitarian healthcare responders, including both physicians and nurses, were trained in ultrasound guided femoral nerve block (USGFNB) and landmark guided fascia iliaca compartment block (LGFICB) techniques using didactic sessions and interactive simulations during a one-day focused course. Outcome measures evaluated interval knowledge attainment and technical proficiency in performing the RA procedures. Knowledge attainment was assessed via pre- and post-test evaluations and procedural proficiency was evaluated through monitored simulations, with performance of critical actions graded by two independent observers.
Twelve humanitarian response providers were enrolled and completed the trainings and assessments. Knowledge scores significantly increased from a mean pre-test score of 79% to post-test score of 88% (p<0.001). In practical evaluation of the LGFICB, participants correctly performed a median of 15.0 (Interquartile Range (IQR) 14.0-16.0) out of 16 critical actions. For the USGFNB, the median score was also 15.0 (IQR 14.0-16.0) out of 16 critical actions. Inter-rater reliability for completion of critical actions was excellent, with inter-rater agreement of 83.3% and 91.7% for the LGFICB and USGFNB evaluations, respectively.
Prior to conducting a trial of RA in a disaster setting, providers need to gain understanding and skills necessary to perform the interventions. This evaluation demonstrated attainment of high knowledge and technical skill scores in both physicians and nurses after a brief training in regional anesthesia techniques. This study demonstrates the feasibility of rapidly training generalist humanitarian responders to provide both LGFICB and USGFNB during humanitarian emergencies.
Lower extremity trauma during earthquakes accounts for the largest burden of geophysical disaster-related injuries. Insufficient pain management is common in disaster settings, and regional anesthesia (RA) has the potential to reduce pain in injured patients beyond current standards. To date, no prospective research has evaluated the use of RA in a disaster setting. This cross-sectional study assesses knowledge translation and skill acquisition outcomes for lower extremity RA performed with and without ultrasound guidance among a cohort of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) volunteers who will function as proceduralists in a planned randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of RA for pain management in an earthquake setting.
Generalist humanitarian healthcare responders, including both physicians and nurses, were trained in ultrasound guided femoral nerve block (USGFNB) and landmark guided fascia iliaca compartment block (LGFICB) techniques using didactic sessions and interactive simulations during a one-day focused course. Outcome measures evaluated interval knowledge attainment and technical proficiency in performing the RA procedures. Knowledge attainment was assessed via pre- and post-test evaluations and procedural proficiency was evaluated through monitored simulations, with performance of critical actions graded by two independent observers.
Twelve humanitarian response providers were enrolled and completed the trainings and assessments. Knowledge scores significantly increased from a mean pre-test score of 79% to post-test score of 88% (p<0.001). In practical evaluation of the LGFICB, participants correctly performed a median of 15.0 (Interquartile Range (IQR) 14.0-16.0) out of 16 critical actions. For the USGFNB, the median score was also 15.0 (IQR 14.0-16.0) out of 16 critical actions. Inter-rater reliability for completion of critical actions was excellent, with inter-rater agreement of 83.3% and 91.7% for the LGFICB and USGFNB evaluations, respectively.
Prior to conducting a trial of RA in a disaster setting, providers need to gain understanding and skills necessary to perform the interventions. This evaluation demonstrated attainment of high knowledge and technical skill scores in both physicians and nurses after a brief training in regional anesthesia techniques. This study demonstrates the feasibility of rapidly training generalist humanitarian responders to provide both LGFICB and USGFNB during humanitarian emergencies.
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PLoS Curr. 2015 February 2; DOI:10.1371/currents.outbreaks
Gil Cuesta J, Mukembe N, Valentiner-Branth P, Stefanoff P, Lenglet AD
PLoS Curr. 2015 February 2; DOI:10.1371/currents.outbreaks
Background Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C (NmC) outbreaks occur infrequently in the African meningitis belt; the most recent report of an outbreak of this serogroup was in Burkina Faso, 1979. Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) has been responding to outbreaks of meningitis in northwest Nigeria since 2007 with no reported cases of serogroup C from 2007-2012. MenAfrivac®, a serogroup A conjugate vaccine, was first used for mass vaccination in northwest Nigeria in late 2012. Reactive vaccination using polysaccharide ACYW135 vaccine was done by MSF in parts of the region in 2008 and 2009; no other vaccination campaigns are known to have occurred in the area during this period. We describe the general characteristics of an outbreak due to a novel strain of NmC in Sokoto State, Nigeria, in 2013, and a smaller outbreak in 2014 in the adjacent state, Kebbi. Methods Information on cases and deaths was collected using a standard line-list during each week of each meningitis outbreak in 2013 and 2014 in northwest Nigeria. Initial serogroup confirmation was by rapid Pastorex agglutination tests. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from suspected meningitis patients were sent to the WHO Reference Laboratory in Oslo, where bacterial isolates, serogrouping, antimicrobial sensitivity testing, genotype characterisation and real-time PCR analysis were performed. Results In the most highly affected outbreak areas, all of the 856 and 333 clinically suspected meningitis cases were treated in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Overall attack (AR) and case fatality (CFR) rates were 673/100,000 population and 6.8% in 2013, and 165/100,000 and 10.5% in 2014. Both outbreaks affected small geographical areas of less than 150km2 and populations of less than 210,000, and occurred in neighbouring regions in two adjacent states in the successive years. Initial rapid testing identified NmC as the causative agent. Of the 21 and 17 CSF samples analysed in Oslo, NmC alone was confirmed in 11 and 10 samples in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Samples confirmed as NmC through bacterial culture had sequence type (ST)-10217. Conclusions These are the first recorded outbreaks of NmC in the region since 1979, and the sequence (ST)-10217 has not been identified anywhere else in the world. The outbreaks had similar characteristics to previously recorded NmC outbreaks. Outbreaks of NmC in 2 consecutive years in northern Nigeria indicate a possible emergence of this serogroup. Increased surveillance for multiple serogroups in the region is needed, along with consideration of vaccination with conjugate vaccines rather than for NmA alone.
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PLoS Curr. 2018 February 2; Volume 10; ecurrents.dis.bb5f22928e631dff9a80377309381feb.; DOI:10.1371/currents.dis.bb5f22928e631dff9a80377309381
Pereira AL, Southgate R, Ahmed H, Oconner P, Cramond V, et al.
PLoS Curr. 2018 February 2; Volume 10; ecurrents.dis.bb5f22928e631dff9a80377309381feb.; DOI:10.1371/currents.dis.bb5f22928e631dff9a80377309381
In 2015, following an influx of population into Kobanê in northern Syria, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in collaboration with the Kobanê Health Administration (KHA) initiated primary healthcare activities. A vaccination coverage survey and vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) risk analysis were undertaken to clarify the VPD risk and vaccination needs. This was followed by a measles Supplementary Immunization Activity (SIA). We describe the methods and results used for this prioritisation activity around vaccination in Kobanê in 2015.
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PLoS Curr. 2013 June 7
Ververs MT, Antierens A, Sackl A, Staderini N, Captier V
PLoS Curr. 2013 June 7
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PLoS Curr. 2014 December 29; DOI:10.1371/currents.outbreaks
Funk A, Uadiale K, Kamau C, Caugant DA, Ango U, et al.
PLoS Curr. 2014 December 29; DOI:10.1371/currents.outbreaks
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has committed to eliminate measles by 2020. In 2013, in response to a large outbreak, Médecins Sans Frontières conducted a mass vaccination campaign (MVC) in Moba, Katanga, DRC. We estimated the measles vaccination coverage for the MVC, the Expanded Programme on Immunization routine measles vaccination (EPI) and assessed reasons for non-vaccination. We conducted a household-based survey among caretakers of children aged 6 months-15 years in Moba from November to December 2013. We used a two-stage-cluster-sampling, where clusters were allocated proportionally to village size and households were randomly selected from each cluster. The questionnaire included demographic variables, vaccination status (card or oral history) during MVC and EPI and reasons for non-vaccination. We estimated the coverage by gender, age and the reasons for non-vaccination and calculated 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). We recruited 4,768 children living in 1,684 households. The MVC coverage by vaccination card and oral history was 87% (95% CI 84-90) and 66% (95% CI 61-70) if documented by card. The EPI coverage was 76% (95% CI 72-81) and 3% (95% CI 1-4) respectively. The MVC coverage was significantly higher among children previously vaccinated during EPI 91% (95% CI 88-93), compared to 74% (95% CI 66-80) among those not previously vaccinated. Six percent (n=317) of children were never vaccinated. The main reason for non-vaccination was family absence 68% (95% CI 58-78). The MVC and EPI measles coverage was insufficient to prevent the recurrence of outbreaks in Moba. Lack of EPI vaccination and lack of accessibility by road were associated with lower MVC coverage. We recommend intensified social mobilization and extended EPI and MVCs to increase the coverage of absent residents and unreached children. Routine and MVCs need to be adapted accordingly to improve coverage in hard-to-reach populations in DRC.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
PLoS Curr. 2015 February 10; DOI:10.1371/currents.outbreaks
Camacho A, Kucharski AJ, Aki-Sawyerr Y, White M, Flasche S, et al.
PLoS Curr. 2015 February 10; DOI:10.1371/currents.outbreaks
Between August and November 2014, the incidence of Ebola virus disease (EVD) rose dramatically in several districts of Sierra Leone. As a result, the number of cases exceeded the capacity of Ebola holding and treatment centres. During December, additional beds were introduced, and incidence declined in many areas. We aimed to measure patterns of transmission in different regions, and evaluate whether bed capacity is now sufficient to meet future demand.
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PLoS Curr. 2013 January 7; Volume 5; ecurrents.dis.6aec18e84816c055b8c2a06456811c7a.; DOI:10.1371/currents.dis.6aec18e84816c055b8c2a06456811c7a
Polonsky JA, Luquero FJ, Francois G, Rousseau C, Caleo GNC, et al.
PLoS Curr. 2013 January 7; Volume 5; ecurrents.dis.6aec18e84816c055b8c2a06456811c7a.; DOI:10.1371/currents.dis.6aec18e84816c055b8c2a06456811c7a
In January 2010, Haiti was struck by a powerful earthquake, killing and wounding hundreds of thousands and leaving millions homeless. In order to better understand the severity of the crisis, and to provide early warning of epidemics or deteriorations in the health status of the population, Médecins Sans Frontières established surveillance for infections of epidemic potential and for death rates and malnutrition prevalence.
Trends in infections of epidemic potential were detected through passive surveillance at health facilities serving as sentinel sites. Active community surveillance of death rates and malnutrition prevalence was established through weekly home visits.
There were 102,054 consultations at the 15 reporting sites during the 26 week period of operation. Acute respiratory infections, acute watery diarrhoea and malaria/fever of unknown origin accounted for the majority of proportional morbidity among the diseases under surveillance. Several alerts were triggered through the detection of immediately notifiable diseases and increasing trends in some conditions. Crude and under-5 death rates, and acute malnutrition prevalence, were below emergency thresholds.
Disease surveillance after disasters should include an alert and response component, requiring investment of resources in informal networks that improve sensitivity to alerts as well as on the more common systems of data collection, compilation and analysis. Information sharing between partners is necessary to strengthen early warning systems. Community-based surveillance of mortality and malnutrition is feasible but requires careful implementation and validation.
In January 2010, Haiti was struck by a powerful earthquake, killing and wounding hundreds of thousands and leaving millions homeless. In order to better understand the severity of the crisis, and to provide early warning of epidemics or deteriorations in the health status of the population, Médecins Sans Frontières established surveillance for infections of epidemic potential and for death rates and malnutrition prevalence.
Trends in infections of epidemic potential were detected through passive surveillance at health facilities serving as sentinel sites. Active community surveillance of death rates and malnutrition prevalence was established through weekly home visits.
There were 102,054 consultations at the 15 reporting sites during the 26 week period of operation. Acute respiratory infections, acute watery diarrhoea and malaria/fever of unknown origin accounted for the majority of proportional morbidity among the diseases under surveillance. Several alerts were triggered through the detection of immediately notifiable diseases and increasing trends in some conditions. Crude and under-5 death rates, and acute malnutrition prevalence, were below emergency thresholds.
Disease surveillance after disasters should include an alert and response component, requiring investment of resources in informal networks that improve sensitivity to alerts as well as on the more common systems of data collection, compilation and analysis. Information sharing between partners is necessary to strengthen early warning systems. Community-based surveillance of mortality and malnutrition is feasible but requires careful implementation and validation.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
PLoS Curr. 2015 March 27; Volume 7; ecurrents.dis.5e30807568eaad09a3e23282ddb41da6.; DOI:10.1371/currents.dis.5e30807568eaad09a3e2328
Stewart BT, Wong EG, Papillon-Smith J, Trelles Centurion M, Dominguez LB, et al.
PLoS Curr. 2015 March 27; Volume 7; ecurrents.dis.5e30807568eaad09a3e23282ddb41da6.; DOI:10.1371/currents.dis.5e30807568eaad09a3e2328
Surgical capacity assessments in low-income countries have demonstrated critical deficiencies. Though vital for planning capacity improvements, these assessments are resource intensive and impractical during the planning phase of a humanitarian crisis. This study aimed to determine cesarean sections to total operations performed (CSR) and emergency herniorrhaphies to all herniorrhaphies performed (EHR) ratios from Médecins Sans Frontières Operations Centre Brussels (MSF-OCB) projects and examine if these established metrics are useful proxies for surgical capacity in low-income countries affected by crisis.
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PLoS Curr. 2018 March 21; Volume 10; ecurrents.outbreaks.58723332ec0de952adefd9a9b6905932.
Lenglet AD, Faniyan O, Hopman J
PLoS Curr. 2018 March 21; Volume 10; ecurrents.outbreaks.58723332ec0de952adefd9a9b6905932.
Between July 2014 and September 2015, a neonatal care unit (NCU) in Port Au Prince, Haiti, experienced an outbreak of sepsis, most probably due to nosocomial transmission of Extended Beta Lactamase (ESBL) producing gram negative bacteria, included Klebsiella pneumoniae.
We describe the epidemiological and microbiological activities performed as part of the outbreak investigation and the control measures implemented throughout this period.
During the study period 257 cases of sepsis were reported, of which 191 died. The case fatality decreased from 100% in July 2014 to 24% in September 2015 and could be attributed to an improvement in clinical management and strengthened infection prevention and control measures. Risk factors identified to be associated with having late onset sepsis (sepsis onset >48 hours after birth)(n=205/257, 79. included: all categories of birthweight lower than <2500g (p=<0.0001) and all categories of gestational age younger than 36 weeks (p=0.0002). Microbiological investigations confirmed that out of 32 isolates (N=55; 58%) that were positive for gram negative bacteria, 27 (89%) were due to K. pneumoniae and most of these were from single MLST type (ST37).
This outbreak highlighted the importance of epidemiological and microbiological surveillance during an outbreak of sepsis in a NCU in a low resource setting, including regular point prevalence surveys.
Between July 2014 and September 2015, a neonatal care unit (NCU) in Port Au Prince, Haiti, experienced an outbreak of sepsis, most probably due to nosocomial transmission of Extended Beta Lactamase (ESBL) producing gram negative bacteria, included Klebsiella pneumoniae.
We describe the epidemiological and microbiological activities performed as part of the outbreak investigation and the control measures implemented throughout this period.
During the study period 257 cases of sepsis were reported, of which 191 died. The case fatality decreased from 100% in July 2014 to 24% in September 2015 and could be attributed to an improvement in clinical management and strengthened infection prevention and control measures. Risk factors identified to be associated with having late onset sepsis (sepsis onset >48 hours after birth)(n=205/257, 79. included: all categories of birthweight lower than <2500g (p=<0.0001) and all categories of gestational age younger than 36 weeks (p=0.0002). Microbiological investigations confirmed that out of 32 isolates (N=55; 58%) that were positive for gram negative bacteria, 27 (89%) were due to K. pneumoniae and most of these were from single MLST type (ST37).
This outbreak highlighted the importance of epidemiological and microbiological surveillance during an outbreak of sepsis in a NCU in a low resource setting, including regular point prevalence surveys.