Noma is a rapidly progressing infection of the oral cavity frequently resulting in severe facial disfigurement. We present a case series of noma patients surgically treated in northwest Nigeria.
A retrospective analysis of routinely collected data (demographics, diagnosis and surgical procedures undergone) and in-person follow-up assessments (anthropometry, mouth opening and quality of life measurements) were conducted with patients who had surgery >6 mo prior to data collection.
Of the 37 patients included, 21 (56.8%) were male and 22 (62.9%) were aged >6 y. The median number of months between last surgery and follow-up was 18 (IQR 13, 25) mo. At admission, the most severely affected anatomical area was the outer cheek (n = 9; 36.0% of patients had lost between 26% and 50%). The most frequent surgical procedures were the deltopectoral flap (n = 16; 43.2%) and trismus release (n = 12; 32.4%). For the eight trismus-release patients where mouth opening was documented at admission, all had a mouth opening of 0–20 mm at follow-up. All patients reported that the surgery had improved their quality of life.
Following their last surgical intervention, noma patients do experience some improvements in their quality of life, but debilitating long-term sequelae persist.
Noma is a gangrenous infection of the face that results in severe facial deformity, occurring primarily in malnourished and impoverished populations.
To assess clinician- and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) before and after reconstructive surgery for patients with noma in northwest Nigeria.
Objective outcomes were recorded using the noma-specific NOITULP (nose, outer cheek, inner cheek, trismus, upper/lower lip, particularities) classification system. PROs were recorded using a locally developed tool. Postsurgical changes were assessed by Wilcoxon signed-rank testing. Linear regression was used to look for associated risk factors. The inter-rater reliability (IRR) of the NOITULP score was assessed using the weighted kappa statistic.
Forty-nine patients (median age 25 years, 71% male) underwent local/regional flap reconstruction and/or trismus release. Twelve complications were reported. Univariate analysis showed a 3.20 change in PRO score (95% confidence interval 0.59 to 5.81, p = 0.018) per kilogram the patient underwent at time of surgery. The NOITULP score improved from a presurgery median of 3.5 to 2.3 (p < 0.0001), however, the IRR was poor (kappa = 0.0894, p < 0.0001). The PRO score also improved from a median of 7.0 to 12.0 (p < 0.0001).
Facial reconstructive surgery improves the NOITULP score and PROs in patients with noma in northwest Nigeria.