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Sci Rep. 2024 March 27; Volume 14 (Issue 1); 7317.; DOI:10.1038/s41598-024-57774-9
Arendse KD, Walker C, Pfaff C, Lebelo K, Cassidy T, et al.
Sci Rep. 2024 March 27; Volume 14 (Issue 1); 7317.; DOI:10.1038/s41598-024-57774-9
Psychosocial challenges impact patients’ ability to remain on antiretroviral therapy lifelong, magnified by disorganized health-systems and healthcare worker (HCW) attitudes. To address this, Médecins Sans Frontières and the Department of Health developed the Welcome Service intervention, to provide person-centered care at re-engagement after HIV treatment interruption. Implemented in Khayelitsha, South Africa, between August 2020 and February 2021, the intervention aimed to reorganize triage, optimize clinical and counselling services and address HCW attitudes. The study used a mixed-methods design, incorporating in-depth interviews, and analyses of programmatic and routine health data. Interviews demonstrated positive patient care experiences. HCWs understood the potential impact of attitudes on patient engagement, however, some continued to demonstrate judgmental attitude. Clinical objectives were variably met at re-engagement: 98% were re-initiated the same day, 50% had a CD4 done, and 45% received tuberculosis prevention. Nevertheless, 4-month retention was 66%, and 88% had a VL < 1000 c/mL. Despite HCWs’ understanding of person-centered care not translating into supportive behaviors, patients had positive care experiences and the intervention ended with a high rate of VL suppression. More efforts are needed to design interventions building on Welcome Service principles to provide person-centered care and sustain retention after re-engagement.