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Pain. 2002 September 1
Lacoux PA, Crombie IK, Macrae WA
Pain. 2002 September 1
Data on 40 upper limb amputees (11 bilateral) with regard to stump pain, phantom sensation and phantom pain is presented. All the patients lost their limbs as a result of violent injuries intended to terrorise the population and were assessed 10-48 months after the injury. All amputees reported stump pain in the month prior to interview and ten of the 11 bilateral amputees had bilateral pain. Phantom sensation was common (92.5%), but phantom pain was only present in 32.5% of amputees. Problems in translation and explanation may have influenced the low incidence of phantom pain and high incidence of stump pain. In the bilateral amputees phantom sensation, phantom pain and telescoping all showed bilateral concordance, whereas stump pain and neuromas did not show concordance. About half the subjects (56%) had lost their limb at the time of injury (primary) while the remainder had an injury, then a subsequent amputation in hospital (secondary). There was no association between the incidence of phantom pain and amputation irrespective of being primary or secondary.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2008 January 31
Lacoux PA, Lassalle X, McGoldrick PM, Crombie IK, Macrae WA
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2008 January 31
A pilot study was carried out among 223 war wounded and amputees in Sierra Leone in 2001 to investigate whether an intervention using proven medication for clinically diagnosed neuropathic pain would work in a developing country with limited health services. Compliance with medication was assessed in 79 patients and their pain and mood scores were assessed by questionnaire before medication and 6-10 months later. The pain and mood scores of 33 patients who stopped taking medication were compared for the initial and follow-up assessments indicating that, although the scores showed an improvement at follow-up, there was no significant improvement. Compliance was reasonable in 46 patients who continued with their medication, with 86.5% of possible doses collected although many had difficulty understanding how to take the drugs properly. Their pain and mood scores showed significant improvement at reassessment indicating that pain will be reduced with a longer duration of treatment. This study showed that it is possible to run an effective intervention for neuropathic pain in Sierra Leone with intermittent expert involvement and MSF have been able to develop a protocol for the assessment and treatment of neuropathic pain that may be useful in other difficult settings in which they work.