Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
Public Health Action. 2014 December 21; Volume 4 (Issue 4); 243-8.; DOI:10.5588/pha.14.0069
Rusovich V, Kumar AMV, Skrahina A, Hurevich H, Astrauko A, et al.
Public Health Action. 2014 December 21; Volume 4 (Issue 4); 243-8.; DOI:10.5588/pha.14.0069
Belarus (Eastern Europe) is facing an epidemic of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). In 2012, rapid molecular diagnostics were prioritised for sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients to diagnose MDR-TB, while pulmonary sputum smear-negative pulmonary TB (SN-PTB) patients were investigated using conventional methods, often delaying the diagnosis of MDR-TB by 2-4 months.
To determine the proportion of MDR-TB among SN-PTB patients registered in 2012 and associated clinical and demographic factors.
Retrospective cohort study using countrywide data from the national electronic TB register.
Of the 5377 TB cases registered, 2960 (55%) were SN-PTB. Of the latter, 1639 (55%) were culture-positive, of whom 768 (47%) had MDR-TB: 33% (363/1084) were new and 73% (405/555) previously treated patients. Previous history of treatment, age, region, urban residence, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status and being a pensioner were independently associated with MDR-TB.
About half of culture-positive SN-PTB patients have MDR-TB and this rises to over 7/10 for retreatment cases. A national policy decision to extend rapid molecular diagnostics universally to all PTB patients, including SN-PTB, seems justified. Steps need to be taken to ensure implementation of this urgent priority, given the patient and public health implications of delayed diagnosis.
Belarus (Eastern Europe) is facing an epidemic of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). In 2012, rapid molecular diagnostics were prioritised for sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients to diagnose MDR-TB, while pulmonary sputum smear-negative pulmonary TB (SN-PTB) patients were investigated using conventional methods, often delaying the diagnosis of MDR-TB by 2-4 months.
To determine the proportion of MDR-TB among SN-PTB patients registered in 2012 and associated clinical and demographic factors.
Retrospective cohort study using countrywide data from the national electronic TB register.
Of the 5377 TB cases registered, 2960 (55%) were SN-PTB. Of the latter, 1639 (55%) were culture-positive, of whom 768 (47%) had MDR-TB: 33% (363/1084) were new and 73% (405/555) previously treated patients. Previous history of treatment, age, region, urban residence, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status and being a pensioner were independently associated with MDR-TB.
About half of culture-positive SN-PTB patients have MDR-TB and this rises to over 7/10 for retreatment cases. A national policy decision to extend rapid molecular diagnostics universally to all PTB patients, including SN-PTB, seems justified. Steps need to be taken to ensure implementation of this urgent priority, given the patient and public health implications of delayed diagnosis.
Journal Article > ResearchFull Text
Public Health Action. 2014 October 21; Volume 4 (Issue 2); S29-33.; DOI:10.5588/pha.14.0044
Klimuk D, Hurevich H, Harries AD, Babrukevich A, Kremer K, et al.
Public Health Action. 2014 October 21; Volume 4 (Issue 2); S29-33.; DOI:10.5588/pha.14.0044
Tuberculosis (TB), including drug-resistant TB, is a serious problem in Belarus.
To determine the prevalence of TB among health care workers (HCWs) along with patient characteristics, treatment outcomes and drug resistance patterns between 2008 and 2012.
A retrospective national record review.
There were 116 HCWs with TB. Case notification rates were higher among HCWs than in the general population (349 vs. 40/100 000 in 2012). Most HCWs with TB were nurses (n = 46, 40%) or nurse assistants (n = 37, 32%), female (n = 100, 86%) and aged 25-44 years (n = 84, 72%). Most common places of work for HCWs with TB were multidrug-resistant (MDR-) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR-TB) wards (n = 23, 20%), general medical (n = 26, 22%) and non-medical (n = 34, 29%) departments. All HCWs had pulmonary TB, 107 (92%) had new TB and 103 (89%) had negative sputum smears. Of the 38 (33%) with culture and drug susceptibility testing (DST), 28 (74%) had MDR-/XDR-TB. In 109 HCWs evaluated for final treatment outcomes, 97 (89%) were successfully treated, and their results were not affected by DST status.
This study highlights the high prevalence of recorded TB in HCWs in TB health facilities in Belarus: there is a need to better understand and rectify this problem.
Tuberculosis (TB), including drug-resistant TB, is a serious problem in Belarus.
To determine the prevalence of TB among health care workers (HCWs) along with patient characteristics, treatment outcomes and drug resistance patterns between 2008 and 2012.
A retrospective national record review.
There were 116 HCWs with TB. Case notification rates were higher among HCWs than in the general population (349 vs. 40/100 000 in 2012). Most HCWs with TB were nurses (n = 46, 40%) or nurse assistants (n = 37, 32%), female (n = 100, 86%) and aged 25-44 years (n = 84, 72%). Most common places of work for HCWs with TB were multidrug-resistant (MDR-) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR-TB) wards (n = 23, 20%), general medical (n = 26, 22%) and non-medical (n = 34, 29%) departments. All HCWs had pulmonary TB, 107 (92%) had new TB and 103 (89%) had negative sputum smears. Of the 38 (33%) with culture and drug susceptibility testing (DST), 28 (74%) had MDR-/XDR-TB. In 109 HCWs evaluated for final treatment outcomes, 97 (89%) were successfully treated, and their results were not affected by DST status.
This study highlights the high prevalence of recorded TB in HCWs in TB health facilities in Belarus: there is a need to better understand and rectify this problem.