Journal Article > Research

One step forward: successful end-of-treatment outcomes of patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis who received concomitant bedaquiline and delamanid in Mumbai, India

The Médecins Sans Frontières clinic in Mumbai, India, has been providing concomitant bedaquiline (BDQ) and delamanid (DLM) in treatment regimen for patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) and limited therapeutic options, referred from other healthcare institutions, since 2016. The study documents the end-of-treatment outcomes, culture-conversion rates, and serious adverse events (SAEs) during treatment.

This was a retrospective cohort study based on routinely collected program data. In clinic, treatment regimens are designed based on culture drug sensitivity test patterns and previous drug exposures, and are provided for 20-22 months. BDQ and DLM are extended beyond 24 weeks as off-label use. Patients who initiated DR-TB treatment including BDQ and DLM (concomitantly for at least 4 weeks) during February 2016-February 2018 were included.

Of the 70 patients included, the median age was 25 (interquartile range [IQR], 22-32) years and 56% were females. All except 1 were fluoroquinolone resistant. The median duration of exposure to BDQ and DLM was 77 (IQR, 43-96) weeks. Thirty-nine episodes of SAEs were reported among 30 (43%) patients, including 5 instances of QTc prolongation, assessed as possibly related to BDQ and/or DLM. The majority (69%) had culture conversion before 24 weeks of treatment. In 61 (87%), use of BDQ and DLM was extended beyond 24 weeks. Successful end-of-treatment outcomes were reported in 49 (70%) patients.

The successful treatment outcomes of this cohort show that regimens including concomitant BDQ and DLM for longer than 24 weeks are effective and can be safely administered on an ambulatory basis. National TB programs globally should scale up access to life-saving DR-TB regimens with new drugs.
Published Date
PubMed ID
Volume / Issue / Pages
Volume 73, Issue 9, Pages e3496-e3504
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